because there have been at least 2 million illegals enter into this country in the past 8 months that would have been denied entry under the last administration. That's a population roughly equivalent to the city of St. Louis. C19 was first introduced to and spread most quickly in 1st world economies due to business and air travel, then trickled into developing countries. People from those developing countries, which are just now peaking infection rates (not to mention packing into buses, semi trailers, and rail cars like cattle) are most likely to illegally enter our country and then use our hospitals as primary care. CBP reporting that 13% are testing positive. That means at least 200,000 C19+ people have been brought into the country, and dumped into our communities and health care facilities.
Welcome to Biden's America, gas is now over $3 a gallon, inflation, and major cities at record crime levels. Oh and I just learned that even though I am going to pre pay in the summer for 600 gallons of propane it is going to cost me 40 cents more per gallon than peak price late last winter.
At least you don't have to dry corn! Although with no rain it'll probably come out of the field at 14%.
2 million illegals have entered, and are still here? or were some turned around? That number just floored me. Good lord no wonder nothing gets done the amount of BS on this very page is staggering, and folks fall right in line
2 mill. was a bit over stated. But never the less, with reports of July looking to be higher than June, and nationwide there have been nearly 1.3 definitely isn't an overstatement to say 1.5+ mill. have entered and when comparing to the prior years, for instance 2020, it is more than double the rate of entry.
umm no they have not entered they have been arrested, caught at the wide-open border. Biden made his own bed with this mess and his talk has put way too much stress on the border. 1. It's not open as people are getting caught daily and has increased, and that's on Biden 2. Title 42 returns will continue in most circumstances. (Trump policy)-Title 42 allows the government to expel migrants before they ask for asylum. 3. Some Migrants who seek asylum are being let in and treated for medical issues, including COVID testing, and then just dropped off. I have no idea what this number is, nor have I seen any credible numbers.
The fact is the number of immigrants reports has more than doubled...that is a problem. For drug trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking, Covid trafficking...doesn't matter. And if the support of catching said immigrants hasn't increased, it would be plausible to assume that the number of those that did not get caught has also more than doubled, and this number can't even really be guessed at this point, only assumed.
I agree 100%, but the statement is Biden Admin has relocated 2 million, being we have only caught a million and we are still sending them back as dnoodles stated it's not an opinion it's just math. For number 2 you simple go read the report from Border Patrol It's just math
NSFW for language, but hey, what do you expect from JRE. Kind of long, but Joe's initial rant is where I'm at. The whole interview clip is good tho.
The gov't tells how many came over they posted the numbers on line it must be true, our gov't would never lie to tax payers.
Have to admit,though it would not become code red(wrote considered) a big deal. That said in comparison, a school with that many flue cases would be closed a few days
Sick of being called a conspiracy theorist, how many times do you need to be lied to and manipulated before you lose trust?
So the men and women working their asses off at the border our liars, because their numbers do not fit your narrative. Okay Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk