true, but this is the first time a senior *dministration official has admitted it...a week after the *dministration mandated them across all federal properties.
You should see fire and rescue arrive on scene since covid began...big time masks on every single call. Everyone else in public safety and the local government gets handed stupid cloth and paper masks. Fire and rescue knows we are all stupid and the little diaper masks dont work.
It is another excuse for shooting a non trophy buck, he had covid I was putting him out of his misery.
I was saying Sota's reference and my original comment alluded to who IIRC, had a rather infamous flame war with some members here before dropping out. ...but you already knew that, didn't you SnS!
Circling back to this one...... Many people were working remotely, we weren't allowed to eat out, weren't allowed to gather for concerts or sporting events, and were forced to wear masks in the damn grocery store. On top of that, far fewer people were traveling on airplanes, and our kids were all getting schooled over Zoom. Unlike C19, the flu is notoriously passed around and brought home by children. I don't understand some people's infatuation with flu numbers and trying to make these absurd correlations that simply make no sense. We have plenty of "real" evidence to argue our cases.
Gotcha. No idea who that is. Looks like that guy/gal was a member all the way back in 2013? I can most definitely confer that I wasn't even pondering archery, let alone bow hunting back then. But I would venture to guess that if SnS were trying to hide their identity they would in fact say something similar. So assume what you may. I will definitely not be getting into any "Flame" wars
No, I am not. I interpreted the way you replied as knowing who the "Stalker" Sota and I were referring to; despite having only joined this year. I didn't really think you were SnS. Maybe some other guy messing around with 2 accounts (happens sometimes) but not SnS. Carry on!
Now They want you to wear a mask inside your own home if you have un'vaxxed' children. Even if you have gotten the shots. NIH Director Collins, today on CNN:
Oh, and BTW- GOA is reporting that the new "infrastructure" bill has earmarked $50 million for the NIH and CDC to study "gun violence". Nothing to worry about there.