I was researching Ivermectin treatment in my area and came across multiple news articles and local news broadcasts on one case in particular. A late-60s aged female patient with C-19 hospitalization and intubation in a local facility. Like 6 weeks in the facility. On/off respirators, multiple bouts of pneumonia... the whole works. Her family was desperate to find try anything. They kept trying to get their hospital (I won't name it here) to administer Ivermectin- she and her whole family signed waivers. The entire hospital staff refused to administer the treatment. Finally she sued and won the right for the hospital to allow a non-partner practitioner administer the treatment. Once administered, her family stated there was overnight improvement in her condition; and she was out of the hospital in a matter of a couple weeks and home within appx. a month. She is still in long-term recovery due to the damage done; but think of how many weeks/months were wasted...why? Because They don't WANT there to be a cheap, effective treatment. They are a Cult. They don't want Saint Fausti and the new Governmental/Health Industrial Complex to be exposed for the frauds they all are. I hope she sues the ever-living Eff out of that hospital. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210506/covid-patient-in-coma-gets-ivermectin-after-court-order https://www.thedesertreview.com/opi...cle_2aa653ca-b1ae-11eb-903e-a78b2b053ba4.html https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/loc...ess-to-controversial-covid-treatment/2502291/ Update - she is home and recovering (still on intermittent o2) : https://twitter.com/desifype?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1395873041880690692|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https://kevinbae.com/2021/update-nurije-fype-slowly-improving-after-court-ordered-illinois-hospital-to-administer-ivermectin/
^ We could actually be saving lives and slowing the spread. I thought once Trump was out of office these creeps might stop playing politics with covid, instead they just doubled down on their failed mask/vax strategy Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
There is considerably less money to be made in living a proactively healthy life style. It is not an accident that personal trainers make less money than doctors, pharmacists, health insurance companies, their lobbyists and politicians. Too much money to be made off those who think good health is popping pills and having avoidable knee or hip replacements.
When I had it back in January my doctor immediately put me on 3 different vitamins and Ivermectin.She said it was something her office was trying. I do believe it helped me. I’m 25 years old, no underlying conditions, and in fairly good shape. Needless to say, my worst symptom when I had it was the fear of dying because of the media. My O2 level never went below 97. Had flu like symptoms for 6-7 days. I saw her again this month, tested positive for antibodies. Asked her what she wanted me to do about the vaccine and she said I would be just fine without it. Glad I have straightforward doctor. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
B..b...b...but we probably, maybe have some sort of evidence that may suggest your natural antibodies aren't as effective as the vaccines!* * we think** **not really sure though*** ***get the vaccine if you don't want to kill your friends and family, you moron!**** ****we're pretty sure that's not going to happen either. Just do it anyways.
Interesting that there are all these media reports on breakthrough infections for people who have had the shots, but nearly none on previously infected and recovered. Which leads me to guess that the percentage is so rare as to be statistically zero. Otherwise they would take every opportunity to point out that previously infected can get it again and again.
again I'll ask ... WHERE WAS THE REGULAR FLU ?? ... yup, it got mixed in and counted as Covid with the lousy PCR tests ... numbers of covid 'infected' are waaaaay over stated ..
CDC, FDA Faked ‘Covid’ Testing Protocol by Using Human Cells Mixed With Common Cold Virus Fragments an FDA document admits that the CDC and FDA conspired to fabricate a covid-19 testing protocol using human cells combined with common cold virus fragments because they had no physical samples of the SARS-CoV-2 “covid” virus available. Without physical reference material to use for calibration and confirmation, the test has zero scientific basis in physical reality. And all the PCR analysis based on this protocol is utterly fraudulent, flagging people as “positive” for covid when they merely possess tiny quantities of RNA fragments from other coronavirus strains circulating in their blood. https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/202...-cells-mixed-with-common-cold-virus-fragments
This right here. I was thinking about this recently. Also, there is no data on reinfection death rate. Why? Because there probably hasn’t been hardly any at all. Yet, natural immunity still gets looked over. I wonder where we would be at if we included vaccination and natural immunity. 65-70 percent? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Only quoting myself to note that I saw interview from today where Fausti said that a "number" (notably did not say what that number was) of previously infected are coming down with the D variant so he claims that the original infections are not enough to be resistant to the D variant. If 35 million known to have been infected (nearly half of the population that is suspected to have been infected; so some 70 million total) and 170 million have had the shot(s), then we should be somewhere in the realm of 60-75% with some sort of real resistance (infected/otherwise naturally immune/'vaxxed'.) So, we should expect the next month or so to see a complete and utter collapse of new infections reported (like the UK.)
Supposedly we just hit the 70% Biden wanted by Independence day today or yesterday. A month late, but is it still a milestone? They don't talk about that though. Maybe they need to hold onto it until the '22 midterms....
I keep telling a lot of family and friends to wait for Midterms next year. It will be the “we defeated the virus” “all cause of us” and we will hardly hear about it anymore other then how if it wasn’t for them we would still be in a pandemic. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Uh-oh. "Masks don't work. " -Senior Administration Official https://twitter.com/i/status/1422261427210006541