The worst part is, we could beat it right now. We have cheap drugs that hospitals could be giving patients such as Z-Pak, ivermectin etc. We could be actually preventing deaths. But instead we will have to wait for another 6 months for a new booster shot. And it’s all the unvaccinateds fault. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Why would we look to just one solution? Why have fauci and other health leaders refused to acknowledge the effectiveness of treating covid with some medicines that we have available? We should be looking for a good vaccine & using these treatments, while also following common sense guidelines to slow any spread. Instead, we put all our eggs into the vaccine basket, and it is unfortunately not panning out the way anyone hoped. I’m just sick of covid right now, and the hoops that everyone is being forced to jump through. Sent from my iPhone using Forums Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What does the vaccine do to your cells and immune system that other vaccines havent? That is my main hold up to getting vaccinated. I dont want some rushed vaccine that is programmed to alter my body in some weird way. Maybe I'm just being mental.
What I don’t understand is why isn’t anyone acknowledging natural immunity from previously infected Covid patients. I had Covid back in January, did an antibody test cause I was curious, turns up positive for antibodies this week. Yet, it’s not good enough? I still need the vaccine? Reinfection is less than like 1 percent, right? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Somehow the vaccine is better. I dont get it. People are just making up crap....unless the vaccine is more crazy cell altering than we imagined.
I got the shots and so far haven't had any side effects. I'm just going to continue on as I always have. Hunt and fish when I can, vote Democrat every election and wait for my universal basic income check to arrive each week.
Interesting study from cdc: Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021 | MMWR ( "...Approximately three quarters (74%) of cases occurred in fully vaccinated persons (those who had completed a 2-dose course of mRNA vaccine [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] or had received a single dose of Janssen [Johnson & Johnson] vaccine ≥ 14 days before exposure)..."
I read that same article; it's pointless. Not only does it not link to his supposed "open letter"; it also doesn't articulate anything other than one man had a bad case of Covid. He appears to be appx. 60 years of age. Does he have any other outlying pre-conditions? The only takeaway is that he's a Republican so his tribe should take it seriously that he had a bad case and realize Covid is not a hoax.
The most important pieces of this study: If people aren't getting seriously ill or dying at a pace that is greater than we see in our everyday lives, we shouldn't care nearly as much as we do. If someone gets a cough and a sore throat for a few days, WHO CARES?! The 7-day average for daily COVID deaths in the US is about 350 right now. Our peak back in January was well over 3,000/day. By comparison, we lose approximately 1,800 people each day to heart disease. Nobody is mandating that we crack down on fast food consumption and force people to go to the gym.