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Who here gets the virus first?

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by Sota, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Ranger93

    Ranger93 Weekend Warrior

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Ozarks, Missouri
    When I say we create a weak Leader, I mean our elected officials.
  2. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    Not all sniveling cowardly 'leaders' are elected.


    I have literally never been more embarrassed of our Nation.
    arrowflinger1, Hotrod9 and GregH like this.
  3. Justin

    Justin Administrator

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Dang - that was quite the rant. Bravo. :clap:

    Now, I would like to respond to a few of your points.

    I'm vaccinated, consider myself generally pretty right-leaning, but certainly don't feel like a "zombie". Most arguments really start to fall apart when you lump an entire group of people, who number in the millions, as things like "sheep" or "zombies". It's hard to take people's opinions seriously when you lead with comments like that. Just some food for thought in the future.

    That's not exactly how this all works. I'm not sure of your exact age, but I'll assume you're somewhere in the middle, let's say 35-55. While you are correct that your body beats C19 99.9% of the time, as you extrapolate those numbers out across millions of people, you end up with quite a few serious cases with long-lasting effects and quite a number of deaths.

    Let's look at the 40-49 age group, where I reside, which has had roughly 19,000 deaths from C19. Had those 19,000 people been vaccinated, we would likely have seen less than 1,000 deaths. That's assuming a 95% efficacy rate at preventing deaths. By current counts, the vaccines are even more effective than that at preventing death.

    Keep in mind, the vaccines were never promised to be 100% effective at preventing ALL sickness and ALL death. The belief that breakthrough cases mean the vaccines don't work is absurd. The idea is to prevent as much sickness and death as possible. So far, they seem to be doing their job as intended. I feel like this is one of the most frequently mischaracterized points of the argument against vaccinations.

    I will agree on this one. Ivermectin especially seems to be very effective at treating C19.

    You lost me here. J&J vaccine was suspended for a few days to analyze data with blood clots. Pfizer & Moderna did not report the same issues so they weren't stopped.

    VAERS data actually reports around 6,000 deaths after vaccination. The issue with this data is two-fold. 1. All healthcare providers are required to report deaths to VAERS post-vaccination, even if the vaccine wasn't the cause of death. 2. Anyone can report data to VAERS, and none of it has to be vetted.

    I won't deny that some deaths have likely occurred due to vaccination. But, if we're playing the numbers game, you have a 99.9982% chance of surviving your vaccination. Assuming all 6,000 VAERS reports are accurate. So you have a better chance of surviving the vaccine than C19. :)

    Most anti-vaxxers seem to be very right-leaning and believe the election was tampered with, yet put large amounts of stock into a system that can literally be scammed by any person with access to the Internet. I do find that quite ironic.

    Agree 100%. Masks are dumb and the data has proven that no mask mandates or lockdowns have stopped or even slowed the spread of C19. Many of the hardest-hit locations had the strictest mask policies in place at the time. This is a case of overzealous politicians thinking they know better than their constituents and that they have some sort of duty to protect them from themselves.

    I'm pretty sure the people counting votes aren't the same ones developing or administering vaccines.

    I also find it immensely ironic that Trump was the one who put Operation Warp Speed into play to start this whole thing off yet his name is mysteriously missing from your list of evil people who are trying to get you to take the shot. The rapid development of a vaccine and the push for the EUA was 100% from the Trump administration. He's bragged on multiple occasions about how he was able to get this done and how he saved millions of lives. But, for some reason, I never see the pro-Trump crowd blaming him for the evil vaccines that are secretly killing people all over the globe. Very strange.

    I often wonder if the tables would be turned had DJT retained office. Would the lefties still be saying how much they don't trust Trump and the FDA (see Harris, Cuomo and others who contributed to vaccine hesitancy late in the Trump administration). It certainly is some delicious food for thought.

    Also, I'm not sure what Soros, Obama or Hillary have to do with Covid or vaccinations. Were those names thrown in there for the hell of it? Good shock value I suppose.

    Again, I agree 100% with this. I believe everyone should have the right to determine their own health decisions based on whatever they feel is best for them. But again, you hurt your own cause when you label millions of your fellow Americans as "outright stupid" people who don't believe in freedom.

    That's all for now. Time to get some coffee. :beer:
  4. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    you wrote all that without having had your AM coffee?

    I for one blame Trump in part for the "vaccines".
    He went all in during the run up to the election, for understandable reasons. He's more than pot committed at this point; and he's not exactly pre-disposed to self reflection and mea culpas.

    THE main problem with the entire Trump presidency was his over reliance on "the experts". They betrayed him at every opportunity.
    Hotrod9 likes this.
  5. GregH

    GregH Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    ^^^^ Not really 0317's rant. Although he may feel that way, that is all copy and pasted from the article of the link he posted.

    Not sure if you were responding to the article, him or both .... good points.

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  6. fowcbler

    fowcbler Weekend Warrior

    Jul 14, 2021
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    Central TX
    RIGHT??? How in the world??????
  7. GregH

    GregH Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Looks like he meant "time for a beer"!

    Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
    Sota likes this.
  8. Germ

    Germ Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 24, 2008
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    "The" Michigan
    Holy cow stop making complete sense, my only question is have folks who are not getting the vax actually talked to their doctors, or are they going off the folks on TV who have gotten the vaccines and telling them not to.

    I listen to this guy on the radio because he's honest, he states he does the job because he likes money. Here's a secret. the people in the big media machine, love money too. So they will push the topics that get you to listen or watch, for advertising $ . It's a money machine and near impossible to get accurate information. I simply state go talk to your doctor and make a decision that is best for you and your community. What I mean for the community is I am talking about folks like my son who can't get the vaccine yet.

    The vaccines are Trump's greatest achievement and I give him credit I believe he understood early there is no way out of this from an economics point, but the vaccines. I believe he saw this early and that's why he focused his attentions on warp speed.

    I have donated 1000's to fight restrictions here in Michigan, I spoke at the capital against our Gov. I am currently involved in unlock-Michigan, Let them play, and local Unmask Kids of Ida. I will not get involved in Tribal politics or choose aside, I'll be working to get local officials elected on boards who have a little common sense. I'll be working to unseat our Gov in 2022.

    Biden while senile and clearly being handled does not want to ruin America, I disagree with many items he has done. From immigration, printing too much money, pipeline shutdowns. His immigration policies will cost him the 2024 election if he runs. If the GOP is smart enough to Dump Trump and get back to their core values and learn to work for a better America for all they will walk away with the 2024 election. Democrats need to get back to their core values that were trying to help the working families, now I am not sure who they represent.

    My son's Doc told us to hold off for him
  9. MnHunterr

    MnHunterr Legendary Woodsman

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Central MN
    I was reading through this thinking... "What did I miss?" Then saw 0317 mentioned and remembered I blocked him because of his extremist views and rants :lol: . Only person I've blocked on this forum. I'm a very open guy... It takes A LOT to get blocked by me. Carry on.

    Side note - Can't believe @Justin wrote up that well thought out post in the morning without coffee/caffeine.
    cantexian likes this.
  10. Okiebob

    Okiebob Grizzled Veteran

    Jan 16, 2015
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    I kinda find it interesting that the anti vaxxer crowd, like my aunt, are on things like Otezla and other big pharma miracle pills that have disclaimers longer than the late great Dusty Hills beard yet its a vaccine thats gonna kill them. I caught an Otezla commercial and also the one for a pill that cured bug eyes or whatever not to long ago, after hearing the disclaimer I thought man I'd rather have bug eyes or whatever Otezla "cured" than just one of those side effects, both included sudden death.

    But in a world of misinformation I often wonder if its not ANTIFA helping spread misinformation amongst the anti vaxxers in hopes of ridding the planet of them, just a thought. Having an old worn copy of The Art of War it seems only natural that the "other side" of the political spectrum would encourage misinformation in order to hurt or put ones perceived enemies at a disadvantage.

    Ultimately I find it wholeheartedly American that someone will pop a pill to get a boner but mistrust a vaccine that was developed from a global scientific community that came together to preserve mankind.

    "Oh so you trust the government!?" Yeah, no. I trust the science. I trust the government wants to preserve the lives of tax payers so as to not disrupt their revenue stream. All politicians are natural born liars, much like the little boy who cried wolf it blows up in their face when it comes to something that you should heed as good advice.
    Germ likes this.
  11. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    I don't need to talk to a doctor to know that I am not allowing anyone to inject me with mRNA spiked proteins

    They can 'dump Trump' but which core values do you speak? Offshoring jobs? Mutually assured economic destruction? Endless wars? Importing tens of millions of illegals to drive down wages?

    They have been the party of slavery since 1828. They haven't changed a bit.
    GregH, Hotrod9 and cantexian like this.
  12. Germ

    Germ Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 24, 2008
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    "The" Michigan
  13. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    The biggest problem there Bob, is that unlike these alleged C19 vaccines, all those drugs have gone through clinical trials and all the necessary reviews before being FDA-approved and then OFFERED to the public- not FORCED on them.

    Have you wondered why all the pro-C19 'vax' commercials are PSAs (paid by with our tax dollars, BTW) and not produced by the makers of the shots themselves? Because if it was the pharma companies' ads; they would HAVE to list all the side effects. Which include a nearly 5000% increase in known cases of vax-linked deaths.

    If public health was really the goal here, and ends justify the means as all Progs think, then the next logical step is mandating what we eat. People obviously can't be trusted not to eat like crap. It costs us probably trillions every year in medical costs and kills tens of millions every year between heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

    You know as well as I do is the surest way to get someone to dig in their heels is to try to make them do something. Couple that with the fact that everyone trying to force this crap down our throats are proven hypocritical liars hell bent on cradle to grave governmental domination of every facet of our lives, what do you think the reaction would or should be?

    Between the CDC, WHO, and FDA, there is very little if any difference between "the scientists" and the Government when the Government is the ones writing the checks. And tax revenue means nothing when the G digitally prints trillions of dollars out of thin air every 6 months. They are creating exponentially more dollars in quantitive easing than is brought in annually.


    The entire system is smoke and mirrors.

    Last edited: Jul 30, 2021
  14. Okiebob

    Okiebob Grizzled Veteran

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Not true at all. Not that I'm a fan but I am a fan of the truth. This is basic common knowledge. If it was true the Raging Racist Strom Thurmond would have stayed a Democrat his entire career.
  15. Okiebob

    Okiebob Grizzled Veteran

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Hey, I agree. My body, my choice. Not trying to force anything on you. You are truly free to make those decisions, unless there is precedence set involving States Rights...
  16. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    Nothing I wrote is even close to disprovable. Maybe you should open your eyes half so wide as Mel.

    Ironically, in the movie you are using to call me a conspiracy theorist, the moral of the story is that all the conspiracy theories were true.
    Shocker99 likes this.
  17. Mod-it

    Mod-it Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 28, 2019
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    We are experiencing a surge here, I've had two coworkers test positive in the last week with a 3rd out waiting for test results. I've heard of a couple more in the area outside of work just through mutual acquaintances. This is after 6 to 7 months of not hearing hardly anyone getting it.

    One of my coworker's story is pretty interesting. He is diabetic, so higher risk. I don't know if that means he can catch it easier too, but here's what's interesting: He caught covid last November, test confirmed. Fever, nausea, fatigue, aches and pains. Fully recovered. Went and got vaccinated, I don't know how long ago, but long enough that he is in the "fully vaccinated" category. Early this week he started feeling sick, fever and fatigue. Tested positive for covid again.
    Hoping that both having the vaccine and likely his body remembering what antibodies to reproduce will keep him from having serious symptoms.
  18. Okiebob

    Okiebob Grizzled Veteran

    Jan 16, 2015
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    And you need not work so hard to convince me we need less government. I am all for Darwinism and less taxes. This world already has too big of a population. But if you loaded two ships, one with all the politicians and one with all the scientists and asked me to pull the plug on one knowing that all aboard would drown... I'd also insist on the politicians wear lead belts so the scientists wouldn't be tempted to save them.
  19. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    A Party which is wholly and completely dependent upon a permanent underclass for it's survival is in fact a party of slaveowners.
    Shocker99 likes this.
  20. Ridgerunner3

    Ridgerunner3 Grizzled Veteran

    Oct 7, 2016
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    Western NC.
    Why is it that people who do not wish an experimental drug forced upon them, are now anti vaxxers? Why is it that people who have already had covid not part of the conversation when it come to the so called vaccine? Why should my job be in jeopardy if I don't blindly take a drug that the executive office, not my doctor, is forcing me to take as a prerequisite to feed and support my family? When did we start demonizing people for making their own health decisions? There have been and are now diseases and viruses that threaten the health of myself and others, and no other time have we forced medication or experimental vaccines in my lifetime. Never had to show my flu shot records to keep my job. And don't say that isn't a valid comparison at this point. A government that forces its people to do such things in order to have equal access to society, is authoritarian. When did this country become that? And how do you think that precedent will play out in the future?

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