This just in...more wealth reallocation under the guise of covid protections. Biden calls on Congress to extend eviction moratorium as Delta spreads in US – live
Unemployment benefit extension will be next, if it hasn't been buried inside the infrastructure bill. You watch, the Dems will call for it to be increased from the current $300 to $450. They'll use $450 because they know there is no way for it to get to $600 again.
I'm also waiting for the fear mongering phrase of "The Delta variant is essentially createing an epidemic on top of the Covid-19 pandemic, and could possibly end up as a secondary pandemic."
Guarantee that happens in the next 30 days. They're setting the stage for how breakthrough infections in vaccinated people should have us all locking our doors and stocking up on ventilators again.
State Fair starts here in 2 weeks, wonder if they will last minute cancel it. Kind of a weird thought as well, so with the unvaccinated getting the virus at an increasing rate, aren't they actually getting vaccinated via natural immunity at the same time? Maybe that is why the UK is seeing such a drastic dropoff that has scientists confused(via headline on CNN).
Why don't they just come out and say they no longer want to teach in the classrooms? I'm not stating every teacher feels that way, there's still those out there that truly want to educate, but there's a vast majority of your yound indoctrinated "educators" who are just as bad as the unemployment freeloaders.
Springfield Mayor said Tuesday that no mask mandate is on the table. Yesterday the county health dept. reported 87 new cases. How ironic, previous 11 days numbers seemed pretty steady until his announcement. Tuesday it was 36 Monday 27 Sunday 32 Saturday 16 Friday 37 Thursday 33 Wednesday 21 Tuesday 11 Monday 13 Sunday 16 Saturday 12
Local chicken restaurant owner who is going out of business.... "“I hear people [say] ‘Oh, I’m on unemployment,’ or ‘I’m looking for a job,’ and I offer you a job. They don’t want to take it...They’ll do an interview and then don’t show up for their day of work,” he said."
Israel offering 3rd shots to those 60 and over. Wonder if they're going to start looking at a 2nd J&J shot, wonder what clotting issues may arise. I'm good with 2. I've went a year and a half plus without contracting it most of it without a vaccine in anyone. They keep asking that dumb question… Why are you “vaccine-hesitant?” First, let’s be crystal clear … I’m not “hesitant.” That’s like saying I’m hesitant to jump off a cliff. It’s a full-stop, 100%, no-chance-in-Hell, stop-pushing-your-BS-on-me NO! I’m not hesitant, I’m outraged. “But WHHHHYYYYYYYY?” the entire Left and the vaccinated zombies on the Right all whine in cult-like unison. HERE’S WHY: 1. I don’t take injections for anything that my own immune system is beating at a 99.9294% rate. Why in the world would I take something that is reportedly 95% effective at maybe only lessening symptoms? It doesn’t even stop the virus, which is why you are seeing all these “breakthrough cases.” My body, that God designed, crushes anything this idiot government and Big Pharma can come up with. 2. If I do get really sick from this virus, I have access to THREE proven, lifesaving, FDA-approved drugs that are truly safe and effective and have been on the market for decades: hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and budesonide. SIDE NOTE: Fauci and his team really lost my trust when they suppressed doctors with actual solutions, like the drugs listed above, and temporarily suspended authorization for the Johnson & Johnson injection, but not the Pfizer/Moderna jabs, which they own. At that point, I concluded that our Government Institutes of Health were running a vaccine-marketing scheme and were eliminating the competition…by defaming effective drugs and doctors, thereby effectively sentencing sick people to death. 3. VAERS data released 7/23/21 by the CDC showed 491,218 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 11,405 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between December 14, 2020 and July 16, 2021. To put it bluntly, I just don’t feel like dying for Big Pharma. 4. I always knew in my gut that masks were a joke. A way of scaring people into thinking that they had something to fear and forcing their compliance. I’ve never been into “group think.” And I’m shocked that a year and a half later anyone is still swallowing this horse crap. If you really want a mask that works against viruses… you’re going to have to wear this: I can’t wait to see you in Wal-Mart. 5. If those answers do not satisfy you and you still feel the need to come after me with the stick, let me tell you a really, REALLY big reason I’m not taking your stupid jab: IF I DON’T TRUST THAT YOU COUNTED MY VOTE, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD I TRUST SOMETHING YOU WANT TO INJECT IN MY BODY? The Government, Fauci, Gates, Soros, Obama, Biden, Hillary, and the rest of the corrupt cabal have zero credibility. I. Don’t. Trust. Them! Again, not hesitant. I absolutely think all of you are evil. This idea that you have the right to be mean, or to force me, or bully me because I choose not to participate in your outright stupidity…well, my Leftist friend (or Alabama Governor), that makes you intolerant. If you are currently trying to force people to take this deadly jab because you don’t like that they have a different opinion or “lifestyle choice” than you, then you are intolerant. You are politically incorrect. You are GroupThink. You are judgy. You don’t believe in My Body, My Choice. You don’t believe in choice at all. But you do believe in dominance, no free thought, tyranny, censorship, Big Media, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Government. I choose to make my own decisions. I choose Freedom. And just like your lame “vaccine,” there’s no stick strong enough to beat freedom out of me. Choose Medical Freedom. And for Pete’s sake, take off the mask. You look ridiculous.
Ha, they'd be screwed with us..It's all in my name... Though seeing his job means school work, I can see a retirement being forced soon.
This whole situation is a failure of Leadership at all levels. The folks that lead this country has zero clue how to be Leaders, they have set in these positions for years collecting pay checks and turning into millionaires off our hard work. Because of our failure (elections) to hold them accountable we've turned into King and Queen makers, us being the servants. A Leader is the servant, they provide a service to those they represent and it's called Leadership. Years ago in the Army they came up with an acronym LDRSHIP, these are our core values, I don't see it much in our Military Leaders now. Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage, do you see any of these in our Leaders? If they are missing any of these they are a failed Leader and we will suffer. It goes back to my original post; God, Country and Family, we are to look out for one another in every aspect of our lives. It would be safe to say that we all have to be Leaders; Leaders of our families, Leaders at work and Leaders in our community, now these are examples. What if you fail at any of these Leadership jobs? We hurt our families, we get fired and we let our community down and we are held accountable. They should be held to the same standard. There is a standard in those values and if one is dismissed, we just started a new standard, a weaker standard and when that slips by we create a weak Leader!