Im still on the fence about the vaccination. My wife got the johnson&johnson and i thought i was going to have to call an exorcist. In her sleep she was violently thrashing and sweating profusely. Out of nowhere she arched her back in extreme pain and was having hallucinations. When she woke up and started feeling better she asked “so when are you getting yours?”
The most contagiest and deadliest yet. Fear mongering isn't going to change anyone's mind. Where the eff are the headlines describing how China screwed the world?
The battle over whether or not our young kids will need to wear masks when they return to school next month is really starting to heat up. I find it both amusing and frustrating that those who stood on their "listen to the science" claims when needed to lock down and mask up are now abandoning the science that shows young kids are at a higher risk of dying from the flu than from C19 complications. Apparently, science is only valid when it fits your side of the argument. Go figure. On a related note, I'm starting to hear chatter that people are worried we'll have mask mandates put back in place due to the spread of the fearsome Delta variant. Again, I find it both frustrating and amusing at the same time. We had lockdowns and mask mandates in place earlier this year when our spike in cases and deaths was at its peak and it very clearly didn't work. So why would be put mask mandates back in place, even for vaccinated people, when the science clearly shows it didn't work in the first place? People's inability to detach their emotions from their ability to think reasonably is amazing.
Remember when it was as easy as "15 days to stop/slow the spread"? This is all too convenient for the far left....
Arkansas passed a law in state legislature two weeks ago saying that schools could not require masks. It is parents choice, as it should have been all along.
They paint the picture that covid put like 50% of Americans out of a job and ruined them financially. Now we are working on a 4th stimulus check where hard working Americans dollars are be redistributed. Major tax payers who hold this country on our backs financially by working our butts off and living our lives right are being pounded into the ground The socialists amongst us have always wanted to do this stuff, now they can do so under the guise of covid. And if you resist giving money to people absolutely needlessly, then you are an animal/dont believe in covid/hate children/dont believe the science/are racist/are a white supremacist/toxic red blooded American. We are about ready to enter into a giant self created S show with our thought the 2007 economic downturn was bad?...we havent seen anything yet.
Agreed 100% - even more so now that we understand the risks associated with our decisions. Thankfully we had a large upheaval in our school board due to the original C19 restrictions/remote learning when this all started. The new board is much more open to allowing parent's choice, and since we have no remote learning options this year, the parents who are still afraid of C19 are pitching a fit. Apparently, those of us who use reason to make decisions are "irresponsible", "selfish" and "don't care about the health of others". I'm flying out to Vegas on Saturday for a belated 40th b-day celebration that was postponed last summer due to Covid. I haven't worn a mask in months, and the thought of having to wear one for even a few hours is pissing me off.
Flew with the family to Montana on 6/30 for family vacation, I laughed to whole time at the social distancing and masking. Like any of that helps when you are going to be crammed in a flying metal tube for a few hours shoulder to shoulder with complete strangers, breathing the same recycled air.
But planes recycle the air more than a hospital operating room does! Or so the CEO's of the airlines say they do...... Wearing masks on planes, especially for vaccinated folks, is the purest form of "hygiene theatre" there is. There are plenty of articles and opinion pieces on why we should wear masks on airplanes, and none of them mention the fact that if you're vaccinated you're protected from infection, so none of the BS they're writing about matters. Its the same old dog-and-pony show - we're sitting close to each other, we're from different parts of the country or world, we're touching the same surfaces, breathing the same air, nobody wants to be part of a "super-spreader" event, etc, etc. Nowhere do the overly cautious people who couldn't wait to be the first in line for their vaccine mention the fact that these precautions are no longer necessary. People just can't seem to let go.
Wondering if we should change the title to fit modern times. A few ideas.... Who here gets the Delta variant first Who here gets the virus a second time Who the hell still cares about the virus or its variants