Headed into a covid hot spot Sunday Lake of the Ozarks. I am not afraid but I will not be drinking in a bar. I just don't want to be around carriers.
900 deaths removed from Covid-19 causation in just 2 CA counties, imagine how many would be removed if they audited county by county nationwide. https://independentchronicle.com/co...sed-down-in-some-counties-by-over-20-percent/ Also from article, they feel more people will get injected if they revise the numbers amd show less death. That is how liberal minds think " The new approach in counting COVID-19 deaths means that the official death toll in the county dropped by 22%, or from 2,201 to 1,696 deaths. Last month, Alameda County. California, health officials revised their approach to counting COVID-19 deaths, and the number dropped from 1,634 to 1,223 deaths. Gandhi says she believes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may soon ask all counties nationwide to do the same revisions as Alameda and Santa Clara Counties and that the nation will see a drop in its COVID-19 death toll. She also believes the revised death toll numbers will lead to more people wanting to get the vaccine. “Because a lot of people have kind of said, ‘I’ve heard people are dying anyway of COVID what’s the point?’ and it is very important to say, ‘No, did they die of COVID or were they in the hospital for something else and they died of that?” Gandhi said. “That helps people say, ‘Oh, the risk of breakthrough infection is so low I want to go ahead and get vaccinated.’ So I think it’s very good for vaccine hesitancy.” "
Yeah, the orange man is gone now. Time to drop those numbers and show the world how great of a job Biden and Fauci did with their miracle drug. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
It gets better, HHS Secretary says it is absolutely the right of the government to know who isn't vaccinated. https://www.foxnews.com/media/xavie...-government-business-americans-not-vaccinated
I read it and first thought was "all these small businesses ruined, lives destroyed because deaths were so high" now they're wanting to show it wasn't as deadly to encourage vaccination. Only a liberal mind can think that way, seriously.
As Tucker noted a couple night ago but I realized and possibly mentioned much earlier in this thread, the average age of a C19 death is actually older than the average US life expectancy. So just living your life is more deadly than Covid. So why not just stay inside all the time and avoid living life at all costs. Seems to be the best prevention method to not die from life, which by all statistical measurements is much more deadly than Covid. in fact, you know the best way to avoid Covid? Retroactive abortion.
Part of me wants to think they do not truly want to get to herd immunity. Keep all of these Dem. Governors equipped with Emergency Powers and the threat of future lockdowns in play. I haven't really payed attention elsewhere, I don't believe, but could be wrong, any Republican Governors bestowed themselves Emergency Powers, but have any Governors that did relinquished them yet?
In Minnesota they were on a deadline to pass the budget to avert a shut down, part of getting the deal done was Walz had to give up his emergency powers.
Not happening, I'll take a variant, don't give an eff. Soon it will be a 4th, then 5th then annual. How about we cripple China instead for causing this BS https://www.foxnews.com/health/pfizer-seeks-ok-3rd-vaccine-dose-shots-still-protect
Now they are saying the reason for the Delta spread is because fully vaccinated persons are the unknowing spreaders...lol. we cant win
Just wait until this Delta variant becomes so widespread the utliunanimoussuperkalifragilistic variant becomes from it. They'll likely break out an incinerator and recommend people get their body temperature above 750 degrees in order to starve it off.
They have already moved on to both Delta Supreme and Lambda variants. We really are living in Idiocracy.
Listen every single gun owner HAS TO THINK!!!!!! You answer your door with a video recording device, this is no joke! All these people need to do while at your door is claim they felt threatened,when the police they call come and you end up losing your weapons This is their 2 for 1 sale ,sorta speak. Mark my words.
If my dogs are out they'll feel threatened before they even reach my door. Most people wait in their car until I come out. Once I come out and see what they're up to, I'll ask them to leave and go back in the house leaving the dogs out. So they tell the police that I asked them to leave and that I wouldn't talk to them. Also telling the police that I have mean dogs that make them afraid. As of right now these are not federal police. Since I have not broken the law there is nothing they can do. They are liable for a trespassing ticket if they return. Do you think that this administration is going to try to send the feds door to door to ask about your medical information? They could but then I'd do things a bit differently.