Meanwhile, in Miami-
Tell you what I never had any indication I had high BP till I was in the ER because of my second shot.
I would like to follow what the NFL is doing if you are unvaccinated on get covid, you will not be compensated for time missed from work.
Not going to speak for dnoodles, or the rogue construction worker who set up the sign. But I think it’s more than fair to say that we have been misled big time! We have been misled on the origins of the virus, we have been misled on the deathcounts in certain states such as NY. We have been misled on the vaccine, it’s effectiveness & it’s safety. The people in charge have been using this pandemic to further their own ends at the expense of everyone else. That is what I consider to be the big hoax. Not doubting the existence of covid 19 itself. Heck, my whole family and I had it. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Massive Coverup of Ivermectin’s Efficacy Demonstrates an Evil Agenda is Driving Everything It's The Great Reset. It's the New World Order. It's the End Times. It's likely all of these things and more, and that's not hyperbole. Ivermectin is all the evidence we need that the agenda is against us all.
The Make a Wish Foundation now requires anyone who is getting granted a wish and anyone else involved in the wish must be vaccinated.
Not that I recall, I never lost my appetite, just couldn't taste anything. I could still sense sweet and bitter just not flavor.
That's how mine was. Could tell bacon was salty, could tell something was sweet, just zero taste. My taste came back after a couple weeks but smell was over two months before it was back to normal.
Mr. Weinstein and one of the doctors on that interview were on Rogan's Spotify channel last week- don't have the link but it's easy to find. From clips and other interviews that Weinstein has done since, I believe they cover a lot of the same ground. Just found this on new platform... blob:
First Pritzker extended his Emergency powers, yet again, and now he is back to "wear a mask, even if vaccinated". How about, no. Done with it, I did my part for over a year and we face the same uncertainties now as we did before it all started. They don't have an effing clue now, and they didn't have an effing clue then when they shut everything down. So let's repeat the cycle in an election year, again....
They intend to use this right through 2024. They all can go F, themselves. I had to wear a mask at my Dr. Appointment and that just pizzed me off.