some people are unnecessarily worried about liability. There are many lawsuits pending against this practice. I would not get involved before the vaxxes are full FDA-approved; especially if I was a small business owner. Good way to get pulled into a funding and public trust suck that will negatively effect your business in many ways both known and unknown. I also do not know how you affirmatively *legally* prove a person has been vaxxed. Maybe Mod-it's business practices are a good start/comprimise, but in one of those methods you are still relying on a person's signed statement affirming their vax status; which is not exactly up to a legal standard. You have stated that your rationale in maintaining the office-wide mask mandate is based in part on punitive/discriminatory against the 2 hold-outs. 90% of your office is vaxxed. By all data available, those 90% people have little-no risk of infection. By continuing to make it known and single out those employees, you are potentially creating a hostile work environment and are potentially in effect doxxing their HIPAA information. You would be better protected by putting out a release from harm letter and let everyone sign it. They sign it, it's their choice to mask or not mask, regardless of their vax status. They don't sign it, they have to wear a mask, regardless of their vax status. That is the true egalitarian path here, and the one least likely to come back and bite you in the wallet.
Even our governor being as worthless as tits on a bullfrog signed a bill into law regarding an employee not being able to sue an employer over being infected by C19. I'm sure he did it to just protect the oil barons wealth but it applies to all. Given that tracing doesn't work I would imagine cases would be dismissed anyway, burden of proof and all.
The 2 should learn not to be idiots and go around calling people out for getting vaccinated, like I said the 2 would not be missed if they left. Also no hostile workplace. Minnesota dept of health covid guidelines state those are fully vaccinated no longer to wear a mask, unvaccinated the mask mandate is in place so if it is hostile the states guidelines are at fault not me. this is me after reading all the FOIA-released Fausti emails to everyone who slammed DJT for not "trusting the Experts" :
In a sign that we are getting back to normal, the first public public beach of the season in the cities has been shut down because of fecal bacteria.
Local lake beach here has been closed for years now, and before that was constantly shut down for the season or the majority of it for nearly 2 decades. They used to hold a Decathalon here every year, then one year after they did a lot of dredging to remove the silt and add a bit of depth in the shallows, a lot of the entrants became ill from the swim portion of it. Sick from Leptospirosis, after that it was called off more than it was held and the beach was shut down more times than not, which was tens of miles from where the Decathlon swim was held. After awhile they started blaming it on all the geese poop, I still believe it was due to the dredging and disturbing of other chemicals that had settled over the decades. I think I have been in that lake swimming no more than 5 times since, and more than likely closer to three. All times alcohol was a factor in my decision. I've only fished it twice in the past 20 years, has always had mercury warnings for eating bottom feeders, normally 1 1/2 to 2 pounds per week. It's a shame to as it has been a good place the past 7-10 years for big Blue Cats, think they hauled in a near triple digit pounder this past year.
Didn't that kinda go out the window when the anti vaxxers refused to vaccinate kids for schools? Surely the chances of side effects causing problems with those are same as chances of bad side effects from covid vaccine. Idk about your guys area but you'd be hard pressed to replace a employee that you let go for that reason around here. There's jobs everywhere not being filled because ppl don't wanna work and give up gov hangouts. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
11 dollar hr employee sure, if you are in an office making some coin a handout is not going to cover your expenses. Do I think an employer will make in mandatory, no, the point is they can.
If you are persuaded to get vaccinated because of a free are part of the problem, please do not reproduce.
Like said guess depends on area. Or maybe we don't have those kinda office jobs here cause it isn't 11/hr but it isn't big timing it either. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I should have held out for more free government handouts. Do you think they will retroactively give me my free beer?
watch this vid .... you STILL want the vaccine ?? ... you got the vaccine ?? ....
Fausti on CNN today literally said "...the idea I think is quite far fetched that the Chinese deliberately engineered something so that they could kill themselves as well as other people....I think is a bit far out there." Apparently Fausti is not a student of history: In Godless China, life is cheaper than a knockoff watch. They currently have about a 15% surplus of men compared to females. They are also facing a population age cliff within 2o years. They need to get rid of a lot of their men and old people; and fast. Easiest ways to do that are war, famine, and disease. If they can weaken us along the way even better from their perspective. Take morality out of the equation; because they certainly do. Then ask yourself- Cui Bono?