Why not make the 2 wear masks and everyone else can go maskless? I've yet to have anyone give me grief about not wearing a mask. I keep waiting for it but has not happened and I'd say 85% of people here are still wearing masks. My response should it occur would be something like "I didn't get injected with who knows what, twice, to keep living life in fear of something that I am supposedly vaccinated from". Only reason I got the shots was to get rid of the mask and I felt, still do, that it was going to be made mandatory anyway. Be it criteria to do/attend certain events or somehow made law(doubt that will happen).
I got the shot same reason I wore the mask to not be that guy, I am serious when I say these two individuals are not valued employees or citizens.
If everybody else is vaccinated why the masks? Is vaccination required to keep the job? It doesn't make sense to me to shame people into getting the vaccine.
As an employer I simply can not allow the workplace to become a virus hot spot because of exposure to 2 selfish individuals who refuse to make the same sacrifice that everyone else did.
If everybody but 2 people were vaccinated it wouldn't be much of a hot spot would it? Are you saying vaccinated people are not safe? If so, then why get vaccinated? I guess I don't understand the logic with such a high rate of vaccination. But, it is your place and your rules.
Why devalue the sacrifice that all the others made because 2 people refuse to do the same? I despise people that sit back and let others sacrifice and then ride the coattails to benefits. I prefer to answer the question when asked why do we have to wear masks by saying ask the unvaccinated. Also not either of the 2 have zero underlying health issues or religious reasons to not get vaccinated.
which means they are not at high risk for serious complications for C-19. The rest of you are vaxxed, which means you are not at risk from infection from them, correct? Can them for being crappy employees; but you can't fire them for not getting vaxxed. Heck, correct me if I am wrong but you can't ask nor make them prove their vax status anyway. Did you jump up and down saying "pick me, pick me, pick me" when They first started asking for volunteers for human trials in October/November/December 2020? Unless you did, might want to look in the mirror when you say that. Look, I am not nor will I get these vaccines. But I am and always have been at high risk for exposure. I was just confirmed exposed again on Monday night. We all contribute to herd immunity in one way or another. You by voluntarily submitting to a brand new genetic modification, and the rest of us by taking the chance that we get infected. Who's braver? (I am not saying I am; I am just saying we all take risks.) Purely anecdotal, but I personally know many people who have had C-19. Rough guess 25-30, that I know of. I would say maybe 4-5 people of that number were actually sick or had any sort of real symptoms. Only one was hospitalized, and that's b/c he's got heart issues and contracted pneumonia and it was at the very beginning of the Red Scourge when the virus was at it's most lethal. My father was pretty close to getting hospitalized, but again heart issues and obese. Plus he's 66. The vast majority of the people I know that had it were either asymptomatic or nearly so and only got tested b/c a family member tested positive or they had to test during travel. I personally know *more* people who actually have gotten sick from/had really bad reactions to the shot(s) than actually got sickened from the virus. (All but one being Moderna.) Ten-plus easy. Yeah it only lasted a day or two in most of those cases, but I know of 4-5 that lasted 3-5 days. In other words, on average in my experience I have personally observed that overall, effects of being infected with the virus are not as bad as the vax. Do I believe that will bear out nationally? I don't know. But neither does anyone else, apparently.
I got Covid, before I had I had no intention on getting the vax. I still have no intention on getting it. It’s your choice to get or not to get. I’m so over the people pointing fingers and boasting about how they got it and you didn’t and blah blah blah, there’s study’s out now that if you have gotten c-19 you could have immunity from ever getting it again. Too much unknown on these vax for me to jump ship and get pumped full of **** they have no clue of actual long term effects. I would rather keep contracting c-19 then getting a vax period. The vax are all about money and not the well being of people. There was a need for a answer to this pandemic and the “answer” is un proven vax that create a great revenue for the inventors and anyone who pushes them upon the people. I just don’t buy into it all or drink koolaid.
Personal choice, you don't get to decide what choices you have working at business, want to make wearing a mask a choice? Do it while you work for somebody else. I can not force an employee to take the shot but I can force a person to wear that mask while at work
Your company can make a condition to get the shot to be employed. Then folks can have the personal choice to work for the company or not.
I do not believe that is the case. I am doing what I can in the most effective way possible. We all wear masks because of the unvaccinated, employees will figure out who isn't and give them **** about all of us wearing masks.
I suppose a business probably can mandate that a term of employment is being vaccinated, not much different than drug screening really. I think there's more simple ways to influence them though. I work in WA State, where uber left leaning Inslee has been writing the mandates. He has the whole State still in "Stage 3", which is masks if closer than 6' and still screening employees before work every day. Across the river in Idaho where I live, no mask requirements of any kind, businesses can of course still choose to require them. Currently, to avoid any State or L&I fines, we are required to have employees wear masks when working within 6' of others. Still screening all employees at the start of their shift too. I just got an update last week that we can now start offering to let vaccinated employees volunteer if they have been vaccinated and we can then let them drop the mask wearing. Any employee that hasn't been vaccinated, or doesn't want to share whether they have been or not, has to continue with wearing a mask. We are required to file "proof" by one of three methods. It has to have been two weeks since they had the final shot of whichever vaccine they got. 1. A copy of their vac card. 2. A written statement from a medical facility. 3. A signed statement from an employee saying they've been vaccinated. Pretty straight forward. Share you've had the shot(s), no more mask. Don't share, still have to wear a mask. As sick as most are of wearing a mask, that may well be the best incentive to get the shot that there is.
masks dont work and will not stop the virus, they are nothing but a 'feel good' item .... and if someone dosnt want to get the f'n vaccine so be it .. I support their right to NOT get the damn thing ... the more pressure put on by this POS administration (and others), the longer I will hold out getting the damn vacc., if I ever get it ... I was in both Cabelas and Bass Pro this past Friday, very few people were wearing the stupid masks ..
You might change your tune if you were a business owner and held liable if employess are not protected in a way that follows state guidelines. I am anti mask, but as an employer I have to follow the rules.
After confirming will be lifting the mask mandate here in the building, If you are fully vaccinated and 14 days after the second shot you no longer have to wear a mask. If you are not vaccinated you must continue to wear a mask until July 1 when the entire mask mandate ends.
Hey you can go to a Twins game and not wear a mask, what you watch on the field might make you sick though.
We have 16 people in our office. I think 9 or 10 of us are vaccinated now. The rest either don't want to get the shot or just haven't done it yet. None of us wear masks and have been working together in the office since last June. I flat out told everyone that there will not be a policy to make anyone get vaccinated, nor do I care to ask everyone if they are or not. That is a personal health decision and one that should not be dictated by your employer. Especially since those who want to get vaccinated can readily get it for free. Therefore, if you are concerned about getting sick or spreading C19, go get vaccinated. Then you no longer need to worry about those who exercise their personal choice to not get vaccinated. Seems simple enough to me. I don't understand why everyone has to make this so complicated.
The state mandate, osha, worker exposure traced back to work place. Have to ask Justin what is your personal exposure to a workplace lawsuit or claim? I don't know if there has been lawsuits or claims based on exposure, heck you might be below the herd number that makes managing a group a pain in the ass. 40 people in the office and I think most did an excellent job of 1 not getting covid and 2 not bringing the covid to work.