speaking of... the cover up deepens and the plot thickens- The Lies: https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-b...us-dollars-risky-coronavirus-research-1500741 https://nypost.com/2021/05/25/fauci-admits-nih-funding-of-wuhan-lab-denies-gain-of-function/ The Cover Up: https://t.co/9cjyeDmpj9?amp=1
I find it ironic all of this is coming out now, even with some liberal media getting on board. My guess is they knew it would be exposed eventually and would rather have it out there now rather than closer to the midterms and 2024. They'll get a big portion of the truth out there then invent the next crisis/slight of hand trick.....
speaking of Facebook, why is it that when I refresh the Forum page, I see in the lower LH corner of the screen "waiting for www.facebook.com"? I have never, ever logged in to facebook nor linked to facebook on this computer.
The forum supports the ability to log in with your FB account if you want, and also pulls functionality from FB like the "Recommend" button at the bottom of the screen. Those assets load in from FB servers which is what you're seeing. It has nothing to do with your account. Oh, and we sell all of your PII to the Internet Research Agency. That's how we pay for our extravagant lifestyle.
Why the F#@! would a single US or non US citizen take an effing word of what Fauci says seriously? Legitimate 100% serious question. Why would you trust a word out of his mouth? Fauci needs to step down from his role and cease and desist with comments related to Covid-19. It may very well soon be learned that everything we have went through for the past 14-16 months was a direct result of Fauci himself, and a means that was meant to protect our "Lord and Savior"(aka Fauci) as he ultimately feels he is. In the end I'll bet he has killed more people during this Pandemic than Cuomo has in NY nursing homes. I'm done with multiple threads as of now, this being one of them. You'd have to go back several hundred pages to find my first thoughts on the origins and reasons for this "virus" to have happened, and as the days go by I'm liking my initial gut instincts better and better. In the past year, Fauci has flipped more times than pancakes cooked with Aunt Jamima mix. He has tried to be the hero while also knowing he is in fact the zero in all of this. Everything we have went through has been at his discretion, the CDC changed their "recommendations" at his words and "professional guidance" every step of the way. Then he ultimately says he was wrong and tries to backtrack. Eff Fauci, I'm done....
So is the J and J vaccine safe? I'm the last of my family to hold out from the vaccine. I've always hated needles and thinking of crap being injected into my body. But if its proven safe......
Is climbing into a tree to try and kill a deer safe? Nothing in life is 100% safe. Give aspirin to 10 million people and someone is bound to have an adverse reaction and maybe even die. As they say, it is what it is. Nobody gets out of life alive. As to the "safety" of the J&J vaccine, they've issued roughly 9 million doses and I think we had 28 people who got blood clots after they were vaccinated and 3 or 4 died? Something like that. To the best of my knowledge, we haven't seen many (or any?) deaths from the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.
Based on potential exposure I would take the shot. Then again you made it this far without getting it.
You are probably just fine as far as any immediate concerns. My hesitation is the long-term effects. What do we not know now, that may be a negative side effect 5, 10, 20 years or more in the future? None of that will be known until it starts happening.
Having 2 kids with autoimmune issues has made me realize how wild the virus world is in the human body, and how much devastation it can unleash. So important for human evolution, but dangerous nonetheless. The key to unlocking many of our long term health problems and reducing much of our later life pain revolves around gaining a much better understanding of viruses and the immune system. From what I've been reading, there are some seriously great medical leads right now in that regard.
We have been using vaccines in various forms, en masse, for over 60 years now. There have been little to no long-term adverse side-effects to vaccine use in our history of using them. Most side effects manifest themselves pretty quickly after vaccination, e.g. blood clots from the J&J vaccine. If history tells us anything about the safety of vaccines, it's that their long-term negative side effects are extremely rare and not something that should deter us from using them. Now, this doesn't mean the possibility of issues is zero. Of course, there is always a possibility of complications with any medication. Just as there is always the possibility that you become seriously ill or die from COVID, even if you're young and healthy. There simply is no such thing as zero risk. This is off subject just a bit, but I find a lot of this very interesting in looking at how we make decisions, our aversion to risk, and how our social views affect our medical opinions. I find it very ironic that the vast majority of Americans spend a lifetime putting horrible foods and chemicals into their body knowing full well that the long-term effects are obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and a myriad of other health complications. And they don't think twice about it. Now all of a sudden many of those same people are worried about the long-term effects of a vaccine in spite of the fact that there's no evidence to indicate this may happen. We fear the unknown and unproven, yet have no fear at all of what we know for a fact will kill us slowly.
All very well said, for me personally it is interesting to watch the cultural difference between Canada and the US. Growing up in Canada, you never saw tv commercials for medicines that required a doctor's prescription. Advertising those is illegal, unlike here. In the US as an adult, watching all the TV commercials and seeing this disclaimers for side effects, my attitude is most often "screw that, the medicine sounds worse the problem its treating". Yet now, Canadians are scrambling for a vaccine while it seems as though Americans desires for it have peaked and are declining. Canadians are trusting government recommendations about a medication they would never know about under normal circumstances without going to a doctor for the conversation. Meanwhile, Americans are saying the "government recommends this? I don't care what the TV commercials or doctors say, screw the government." Outside of the pandemic, the mindsets are generally reversed. And yet both sides are largely ignoring the lifelong health crisis of eating crap and being obese. Coincidentally, next to being elderly, being obese and the accompanying health complications is the highest risk of death from COVID. Makes me glad I am still young and healthy. I am just gonna keep on rocking the healthily, active lifestyle. Good health has always been the best defense against being sick.