Even in Cook County, IL I'd say about half the people in stores the past couple days were maskless. If I had to guess I'd say by next week that figure is up to north of 75% (at least in the suburbs away from the City.) Alot of men are going to start telling their wives to pound sand.
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fauci-not-convinced-covid-19-developed-naturally uh, yeah. But us "right wing conspiracy nutjobs" have only been saying this for over a year. How else were they able to get 'vaccines' developed and distributed so quickly? Because they built the effing thing in the first place.
It sure does take those “follow the science” types quite a while to catch up with us doesn’t it? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Oh I know, turns out those Chinese scientists (who were actually scientists) who all said it came from a lab shortly before they were killed/forced from their country were right all along. That was back in February of last year. But the “follow the science” people weren’t interested in real science. Just any science that made DJT look bad and put democratic governors in control. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
It also turns out that Fauci is the one who signed off on the funding for covid-19 research in Wuhan. You would think Americans might want to know that little detail. It must have slipped his mind. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Ever wonder how false information gets spread so rapidly/easly on the internet look no further than the water cooler here. We are part of the problem. WorldNetDaily: “New evidence ties COVID-19 creation to research funded by Fauci" PolitiFact's ruling: False
HUGE! — RAT IN A TRAP: Fauci Admits COVID May Have Been Man-Made — ADMITS TO FUNDING CHINESE LABS! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...id-may-lab-admits-funding-chinese-labs-video/
You might as well be using MediaMatters to fact check if you are using Politifact. that is patently TRUE. Fausti denied it in front of Senate committee and Rand Paul roasted him for it. Paul stated that he has evidence otherwise. Fausti later admitted to NIH's funding a downstream government agency (NIAID.) Per Paul, NIAID provided grant money to (ie FUNDED) the Wuhan lab. Per Paul, the grant request to NIAID from the Wuhan lab clearly states it is to fund 'gain of function' studies at the lab. The "Bat Lady" scientist at the Wuhan lab later wrote a gain of function peer reviewed study in which clearly states they received funding from the NIAID. Now, that being said it doesn't mean that Fausti himself knew of or reviewed the grant application at the time; especially inasmuch as these multi-tiered government agencies often don't know what the other hand is doing. But Paul seems to think he has evidence indicating that Fausti did in fact know about the grant (at least after the fact, but before his Senate testimony) and lied about it under oath. https://news.yahoo.com/rand-paul-claims-dr-fauci-151819144.html
Politifact is a joke, dnoodles summarized everything perfectly. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Out here in Kane/McHenry Co it's anywhere from 60-80% of people still wearing masks depending on where you go. I stopped in at Jewel (grocery story) at lunch and I'll bet it was 80%+ still masked. Walmart was probably 60% and I'll bet Costco was 90% or more when I was there they other day. It's starting to happen a little at a time, but it's going to take awhile. My wife is scared to take her mask off b/c she's worried about some loony yelling at her, and a lot of stores aren't very good at telling you whether masks are required or only optional.
True, I'm sure there are pockets of each. For instance, in the towns of Lemont and Homer Glen there's pretty much been a "what mask rule?" mentality for the better part of six months, and most places were already taking down their 'masks required' signs by last weekend. Orland Park is starting to get that way, but Tinley Park which is closer to Country Club Hills and trends more purple to straight blue it's still a lot of mask wearers. I dropped my dogs off today to get groomed in Tinley and the PetSmart there still had a 'masks required' sign on the door and everyone inside was wearing one. Except me that is. But nobody said anything to me until on my way out an old lady gestured me to the side and said "are they making you leave because you're not wearing a mask?" I said "who here is going to ask me to leave? The cashier with the blue hair?" She laughed and took her mask off and went on her way inside. Vive' Liberty
I guess this is appropriate here. Trying to catch up on the project Veritas story about the FB censorship regarding covid concerns. They were hiding true events or facts that raised concerns about the vaccine. There is a ton more and I haven't been on fb in forever, but it pretty much verifies what a lot of folks thought for a long time about censorship on fb that was intentional and organized. Some of it is gaining traction on some MSM and a lot of blue checks are sharing the story on Twitter, since PV is banned. Regardless, see a doctor. Make good choices for yourself. Out. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Will Facebook ever learn? They're the overbearing parent of the social media world. Trying to protect us innocent children from the big bad world at large. But we just want to do drugs and have lots of unprotected sex.
I have been having unprotected sex for coming up on 30 years. No disease but it has cost me a fortune.