People still wearing masks because they don't want to appear conservative, give me a break. How progressive. That is why the liberal is mocked and ridiculed.
Dnoodles has that same theory and so does a Doc friend of mine. The short answer you already had the antibodies and the second shot overloaded your system. True or not I have no idea, Being you have Type O super blood perhaps you had it and had no idea.
My wife has type O negative, when I had covid she didn't experience a single symptom or sign that she had it too. My kid didn't either for that matter, not O negative but only 6 years old. As contagious as it is you'd think there's no way they didn't get it too. I'ts very possible to have had it and never any sign/symptom. I have a coworker that had covid in November, fairly strong symptoms. He waited until April to get the shot and the 2nd dose still kicked his **s. I've been holding off on getting a shot just for this reason. The end of this month will be 7 months since I had it, would think I'd be good to get it after that amount of time. Wondering if I should still just do one dose.
I went to Cub to pick up groceries mask free, then went to Subway to get a sandwich but that would require wearing a mask, nope not playing stupid games.
Seeing quite a few posts on Facebook basically stating the same thing. It violates HIPPA for anyone, government or otherwise, to see documentation that you have been been vaccinated. Covid vaccination is going to turn into the new consent to search law, or HIPPA will be amended to appease the masses of the fearful. How many years will the Liberals ride Covid-19, or will it become an annual Covid # vaccination need after a mandate for vaccination? Haven't heard a word from Prickster since the CDC guideline updates, I'm sure he is speaking with his legal team on how he can best keep his reign on the IL people.
That's what the tracking device inside the vaccine is for. Seriously tho I have been wondering th3 same thing about the "getting back to normal" thing. I mean they haven't been branding you guys like cattle that have got it right? And they can f off about asking to see any card stating anything medical, especially for walking into Walmart or any other store. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I'm already a registered vaccinated citizen. They don't just track the numbers, they have names with the numbers as well. Should have tried to sign up anonymously the first time, see if it was possible. I want to see where we're at come July 4th, the date of independence Biden initially promised the people who "abide". How can you backtrack now after setting things in place earlier? I'm done with shots and masks, I'll die my way.
Wait till the way the wind is blowing changes, remember Germ was saying a catholic church was not pro life because of early mask wearing practices.
Went out with daughter yesterday, had to wear a mask everywhere. Restaurant, every single store we went into and everyone had them on outside. Our area of state mostly unmasked farm country. Hers more liberal urban.
I was told the getting sick on first shot is why I was so NASTY sick on the second...That just means it really worked for me...Ya, right...stick your booster
It was because of whining about closing churches. Get it right if you're trying these bush-league tactics
I have not worn a mask outside of when I am at work during the day. Out in the country I have not worn a mask to go in anyplace since 2 weeks before Easter.