This guy does a good job explaining CRT, this is a snippet of a lecture he gave on it that I watched. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
This is a Republican Governor. And I'm sure whomever the guy is above in the video is talking about CRT but thats not how it translated into law here.
That's not what it is at all. It's institutionalized racism against whites. Period. End of story. Not only does it get history wrong either overtly or via omission; it teaches that the only way to 'repair the wrongs of the past' is to put 'oppressed' minorities first above all else. And to use force to do so. It literally teaches equity over equality. That's called Communism, by the way. ...except Asians. They don't count. They're so oppressed they have adopted too much whiteness and study and work too hard... or something. start here then here then give this very NSFW video a spin...9th grade reading list brought to you by the champions of CRT.
Not to mention the founders of CRT were marxists. You can literally trace CRT all the way back to conflict theory and Karl Marx Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Bob, I love you brother but did you read the bill at all, or are you getting your information from Media Matters and Jon Oliver again? Or this doozy of a Prog spin cycle? Read the Damn Bill! It's nothing like the article spins it to be (shocking that the media would lie...) In fact, it's the exact opposite- The Bill expressly deals with and forbids racism, CRT, and elements related to CRT: ENR/hB/HB1775 ENR.PDF SECTION 1. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 24-157 of Title 70, unless there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows: A. 1. No enrolled student of an institution of higher education within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education shall be required to engage in any form of mandatory gender or sexual diversity training or counseling; provided, voluntary counseling shall not be prohibited. Any orientation or requirement that presents any form of race or sex stereotyping or a bias on the basis of race or sex shall be prohibited. 2. Pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education shall promulgate rules, subject to approval by the Legislature, to implement the provisions of this subsection. B. The provisions of this subsection shall not prohibit the teaching of concepts that align to the Oklahoma Academic Standards. 1. No teacher, administrator or other employee of a school district, charter school or virtual charter school shall require or make part of a course the following concepts: a. one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex, b. an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously, c. an individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her race or sex, d. members of one race or sex cannot and should not attempt to treat others without respect to race or sex, e. an individual’s moral character is necessarily determined by his or her race or sex, f. an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex, g. any individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex, or h. meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are racist or sexist or were created by members of a particular race to oppress members of another race. ************************************************ The Bill, as passed into law, clearly bans forced/coerced CRT and that only. Only an insane person could or would be opposed to this bill as written. It is literally an anti-racist bill. CRT is not only inherently racist it teaches others to BE racist. Look dude, Stitt may suck; I dunno he's not my Governor and I know little about him aside from he signed this bill and Constitutional carry so he's doing pretty good in my book; but again maybe he's gotten everything else wrong. That being said, you seem to have Stitt derangement syndrome. He got this one right. Maybe he did it for purely political reasons; so what he still got it right. It's law, benefits all Oklahomans whether some believe it or not; and it will take a supermajority or a corrupt judiciary to repeal it. And most importantly, it was the right thing to do.
It takes away the challenge of critical thinking. It is a waste of time. This is common sense. And yes for all intense purposes it would appear as you have stated but has been poorly framed by stitt in a news conference. This also coincides with a bill to have students learn about the Tulsa Race Riot in the required Oklahoma History class which is mandatory to graduate which for the last 100 years has never been mentioned in said class. So as the saying goes, you have to know history or it will repeat itself. Thats great, I read the bill long before dipStitt signed it, I listened to the teachers, regents and other state educators that opposed it and why. And to add insult to injury, its really just a ploy so the State doesn't have to buy new books for schools. Which has always been a sore point in this state. We rank 7th in the least educated of states and our high school drop out rates are atrocious.
An orthodoxy based in suppression of and discrimination against one's immutable traits is not critical thinking. It's tyranny. These are kids, not young adult college students who are free to choose their own path. I had never heard of those riots until last year; and I agree they should be taught in schools. Better old books filled with facts and then include multi-media presentations to fill the gaps than new books filled with 2+2= RACIST, and Amerikkka was founded in 1619. Oh and extreme weather global warming climate change is going to end the world in 1985 1998 2007 2015 2025. Gotta follow The Science, and all that. ********** that I believe as I have seen some conservative news sites starting to pick up on him and I don't like the way he comes across. He's kinda smarmy. Like he's trying to be Ron DeSantis but not as clever or funny. Stop trying so hard.
Had a person try to tell me that the reaction I had from the second dose is probably because I had covid before. What is this based on? if I did have covid I was symptom free 100% including elevated temperature with twice daily monitoring. I probably should have asked the individual what the assumption was based on but I am old enough where I don't ask questions of people I am not interested in hearing their explanation. I may ditch the mask and go with noise cancelling headphones.
because the second shot triggers a secondary immune response to that which is already in your blood stream. Be it remnants of the actual virus or the first shot. It's like you down a pot of coffee, then someone asks you if you want a coffee, and you say no thanks, I'm kinda jittery, but I'll have a Coke and maybe a Red Bull chaser. It's just system overload. It's one of the reasons why many doctors recommend that if you recently had C-19 do not get the vaccine at all (or at least until your blood tests negative for the antibodies.) A) the antibodies are more effective at preventing re-infection than the shots, and B) the shot could trigger an immediate immune response which could be catastrophic up to and including anaphylactic shock and/or stroke. **** In your case it could be that you had the virus and didn't know it, or just as likely your body's immune response was already in high gear from the first round and you didn't really need the second one. The shots are not a 2-part epoxy; it's the exact same stuff just spread out over 2 doses. A lot of people probably just don't need that second dose; or at least not that soon. People have highly individualized immune system responses.
Time to change things up. Local grocery, and hopefully other stores following suit, put up a sign stating fully vaccinated may enter without mask. Time to turn the tides on the fearfully ignorant. If you're still wearing a mask you are the problem, and you are the ones to be feared. Rachel Madcow can take that and put it in her pipe and smoke it.
Fun fact, the first time bombs were dropped from an airplane onto American soil. 1921 Tulsa Race Riot.
After reading many of these posts it makes me glad to be living where I do. Many of the people here, including myself and my wife, have stopped wearing masks a long time ago. I've never been scolded or even looked at funny for not having a mask. I don't go to a lot of places either so there is that. I also do not know anyone that got covid. I hope the trend continues.
Covid has been like living 2 seperate lives. I drive into work in the suburbs and everybody is all masked up. I go home to rocks and cows country and nobody is wearing a mask.
Just got back from the store, not even a double look. I did take my vac. card in case the security guard in the cart area asked for it. He wasn't there, so guessing they are done with that as well. Didn't even see any cart sanitizers working. Only seen one other in the store without a mask and one entering as I was leaving. Didn't let them inject some foreign matter into my body to keep wearing a mask. Hopefully all the fear mongering on unmasking is just with your TV talking heads and people are ignoring it.