sue. Is it a state school? Government cannot force you to get vaccinated on/participate in a non FDA-approved "trial run." Private you/she are probably SOL.
Tell that to the literally thousands of C-19 vaxxed women who are experiencing abnormal periods since getting said vaccine. While I would not say that it will/does cause long-term effects to the female reproductive system; it definitely does cause some alteration to some women's chemistry and so little is known and so little time has passed since human trials began I also would say that it is too soon to definitively say there will not be long-term effects. Plenty of recent examples of FDA-approved meds that have proven to have long term negative consequences and got pulled off the shelves. Zantac, anyone? A lot of women are very sensitive to changes in hormone levels. Enough incidents of the vaccine effecting women's cycles have now been documented that there is little debate as to whether or not it is causative; by their own admissions doctors are unsure as to what the causative mechanism is, and what the long term effects may or may not be. It is quite possible that a vaccinated woman would have to go on long-term supplemental hormones to offset whatever response their bodies have to the vaccines. Therefore, I would say for a woman to be concerned about the vaccines effects on their ability to conceive; especially in the short term, is more than reasonable.
Yeah, vaccinated and took prescribed Ranitidine daily for about 11 years or so. Only reason I stopped taking it is due to the pharmacy cancelling my prescription when they pulled it off the shelf. No mention from my Dr., no mention from my insurance nor any mention from the pharmacy before being told they recalled it. There has to be multiple entities that know a person is taking a medication that is being evaluated for adverse effects, like cancer......
wish I could, I am way overdue for an Indy trip as most of my college buddies live in the area. Alas, I will be donating a lot of shovel time to my yard. Need to level and seed, then mulch. Gotta get this ***** on the market before interest rates explode.
It's funny I went into the emergency room yesterday and get seen by the doctor. She says after the initial exam that "Oh yeah he definitely has Covid". I was not expecting that because of my negative test results 2 day earlier. So got my results back again and it was negative again! So that means I got some kind of strange virus that acts just like covid and flu symptoms, but neither test will pick up any sign of it. Very strange! Feel alot better this morning and got my appetite back alittle. Did wake up in cold sweets again last night, but no fever. Also got bite from a tick about a week prior, but that's normal for me, get dozens of bites every year. So also got tested for Lyme also. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Hope those Amherst students sue that colleges fanny off. For their tuition for not being allowed to take their finals, for all incidentals incurred then a whopping amount for mental distress.
You see the CDC director saying stuff like, "less than 10% of people get covid from outside activity transmission". Like outdoor gatherings. Continual scare tactics. Scientists are saying that is 100 times higher than what their studies say. Some even claim thousands. Bunch of lying government turds.
My next tactic is local government change. We have started a group in my district and the first order of business is to get new school board members. We attended the meeting on Monday and they have been notified the people are not happy.
I read a great article on this yesterday - from the NY Times of all places.
That is very strange! I know someone who is going something similar right now. Started feeling sick 5 days ago and got a rapid test. The results came back negative for COVID. The next day he lost his sense of taste... as well as aches and a fever. (So should definitely be covid right?) He got a different test and the results should be in tomorrow. His family all caught the sickness from him. Half of their results came back positive, the other half negative. It is very odd. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
A friend of mine got sick and had 2, maybe 3, negative tests for Covid. He was convinced he had it, and when he finally lost his taste/smell he went and got tested again. That one was finally positive. Certainly seems like testing is far from conclusive these days. No idea if it's the type of test or how it's administered, but that's not the first example I've heard of.
That's kind of what I'm worried about, that these test keep showing negative but everyone's first response is that I have covid. My wife swears I have it. So I got setup for a 3rd different doctors appointment for next Tuesday. If this isn't covid, be nice to know what's going on. I still feel like crap Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
So CDC says the vaccinated can go maskless. When will Governor's follow suit and how are they going to make us prove vaccination? We're still months away from any type of normalcy. This time next year we'll be finding out about how none of the preventions(masks) and shut downs put in place in 2020 actually worked, only difference is Fauci and his minions will be the ones talking about it openly.
"They" say if we are vaccinated I don't have to wear a mask indoors, who and how are "they" going to know who is vaccinated?