Umm, you don't know many who fight for HS sports. They are pretty anti-everything, me get the shot don't get the shot it's your choice
Go check out the MN let them play Facebook group, you would get along with all of them. Minnesota "What MSHL, MDH and Walz administration has done to these kids is bordering on criminal. I would never have believed this would happen in Minnesota. I hope these officials can sleep at night because they have ruined a lot of young people's dreams and opportunities." "I’m sorry folks but Walz used the same playbook as NY Governor Coumo. Seniors died needlessly as Walz Used his powers in needless and reckless fashion and made wrong decisions that were not based on science. Walz and Cuomo both should be removed, jailed and disgraced. It’s just the truth" Just wait until they require a vaccine to play a sport, if you thought the Michigan group raising 100,000+ grand to fight the mask mandate was a lot, Michigan and other places will crush that total. No tactics, I am just part of one of these groups, I have sat in meetings. Not once have I heard anyone suggest the shot, most are make the best choice for themselves. I know on this site that will not get one "likes".
Covid reaction is much like the George Carlin stand up about driving a car. Who ever drives slower than you is an idiot and anybody that drives faster is a maniac.
I would classify them in the same ballpark due to the fact the neither of them is rooted in any sort of factual evidence. My MIL also believes the vaccine will make you sterile, so they're on the same team. My comparison was that people have beliefs, and their minds cannot be changed, regardless of how much evidence you put in front of them. Their minds are made up, and that's that. The C19 vaccine/infertility conversation was started by a doctor who theorized that, due to a minor similarity in a protein in the virus and in a women's placenta, that it could cause issues. Keep in mind - this is a single doctor with a single thought. No scientific data. No evidence. No examples. Just an idea. Women have historically received vaccines before and during pregnancy with no reproductive issues. This has been widely accepted for decades. All of the clinical trial data, along with millions of real-world vaccinations, have shown zero links between the C19 vaccination and infertility. In fact, there is zero scientific evidence backing up this theory, which has now become a widespread fear. Women who are fully vaccinated are still becoming pregnant, with many now in their 2nd trimester or later. This perceived "risk of future reproductive complications" isn't based on science or on evidence. So then, is it even a risk? Can we say that the vaccine also puts you at risk for cancer, dementia, lupus, Parkinson's, ALS, or another other illness or disease with no proven link? Hell, we could say the C19 vaccine puts you at risk for an alien abduction or the development of human superpowers. Since none of this has actually happened, it's all the same "risk".
My daughter looked at survival rates and illness intensity in her age group and calculated the odds vs getting vaccinated and made her decision. I have my reasons why I got vaccinated she has her's why she didn't. All about perspective, neither of the sides has enough factual information to make a 100% decision.
Justin the issue with your logic here is it does not sell ad time on cable news or feed into fear-mongering. The dirty little secret I have discovered is each side will use fear to persuade you to their line of thinking while claiming the other is using fear to achieve their agenda. It's been pretty eye-opening.
I'm 100% in favor of this logic. It's all personal choice and the reality is the "risk" of serious complications or death for younger, healthy people is extremely low. If someone opts out for that reason, more power to them. Doesn't bother me in the least. I simply dislike decisions that are made out of fear and false narratives.
Some say that was Steelers Wheel but we all know Jerry Rafferty was the brains of that outfit. Watched the lyric version holy crap does that not fit, that being said my children are not the needy family members.
So I'll throw this out there. Working this storm I have a friend with some rentals in Norman close to the University. He calls and we meet to look at one of the properties and the tenant is there tagging along as we walk the property. My friend the landlord starts squawking about nano bots in the vaccine, he is not kidding, thinks that its all a conspiracy, death switches and all the other things that you hear. The tenant is in school working on his second PhD for biomedical technology says that kind of technology is decades way from being developed and lists the stuff current nanobot technology can do. But of course my friend, bless his little heart, just tells the guy he doesn't know what he's talking about. Its disgusting I still call him a friend but he did suffer a partial stroke a couple years ago and since then he has run rampant with any thing he credits true when reading something on Facebook. He is living his truth whatever he deems to be true that is. I think conspiracy theorists give way too much credit to those they oppose or design these theories to harm. Funny how most of them sound way to far fetched for any reasonable person to believe but they want to believe them anyway. Media is the problem and will continue to be. False information that gets retracted at 3am in the morning when nobody is watching keeps them out of court or held accountable. So in the words of John Prine "Blow up your TV, throw away the paper, move to the country..."
Our son Did that...he hated high school though he is very intelligent. I actually took him to a psychologist because things were getting rough between him and officials. Quote: " He has a very high sense of right and wrong which is a good thing. That said schools are an institution, much like prison. They are run with arbitrary rules and regulations that fly in the face of his sense of right, wrong and fairness." He is going to have to learn that out side of such institutions he can learn how to express his feelings on right and wrong as he sees it. In these institutions he needs to learn it's their game and there is no winning. Just like a job , it's a game that you need to learn to maneuver through with out getting blown up and getting as many bonuses as possible".. let me tell you that opened my eyes wide to how bad things had gotten since my college years.
To be fair, on the bolded, that report does not come out until next month, so it technically could become a possibility.....
I quit watching the national news, quit buying a daily newspaper when covid hit, and moved to the country, true country where you smell cow **** not bull ****. Best part is I planned and pulled the pin at the exact right time, people boasting about selling a property in 72 hours for 30 over asking, child please should have seen it a year ago, granted I payed 26 over asking but my wager was covered
Only reason I got vaccinated is because I still believe it becomes mandatory in some fashion or another. MLB is already segregating the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, schools and colleges are already mandating vaccinations to attend and we're a mere what, 60 days or less from everyone being eligible? It only gets worse from here as far as what you can and cannot do without your patriotic shot(s).
Just like my daughter I will get the shot(please note I will not call it a Vaccine) when I can no longer avoid it. I find it VERY suspect that the government is pushing it so hard. They(both sides) have never pushed something to this degree even polio vaccine that actually worked. The government only does things for themselves. I don't have a tin hat on and worry about chips or sterilization. But something is not right. When the government wants to disarm us and restrict us in one fair loop, I'll need more research to be convinced.
The part in bold is exactly how I feel about the vaccine. Hence the like We all know the vaccine has been rushed, and heavily politicized. It is for this reason(as well as it is the first vaccination of its kind) that I simply do not trust it. I am willing to wait a year or two and see what comes from it. Even if Donald Trump was out there telling people to get vaccinated, I would not do it. On the other hand, if someone wants to get the shot, then great! I sincerely hope it performs better than expected, and you are 100% protected from the disease. You make your decisions, I will make mine with the information that I have and we can hopefully work together to help this country recover economically. And finally, I am not worried about a "nanobot" being in the vaccine that will control my mind and make me vote socialist democrat for the rest of my days. "They" don't even need such things, they stole the election without those /sarcasm
I had all of the symptoms last June, same stuff as you. Turned out to be a touch of pneumonia for me. It was the worst I have ever felt in my life.