glad to hear. you have arthritis, correct? Is it RA or "normal"? I ask because I have read in several articles that people with autoimmune disorders, and RA is one, should really not get the vaccine. Similar to those who have high levels of the C19 antibodies, your immune system is already on high alert and shooting up with a mRNA serum makes your T-cells go buckaroo bonzai
Hope you are feeling better soon. You will likely add to the covid hospitalizations in MN. I think you win a Golden Corral Buffett
Yeah I have the arthritis plus I have an upper respiratory infection, I already had an appointment to deal with that this afternoon. I am feeling so much better. I am so happy about the no covid test I have a trip scheduled for Monday morning. No thanks on the Golden Corral I can not eat at buffets where the general public access to all the food, I was this way long before covid.
My wife has RA, weekly injections of Embrel, hydroxychloroquine and whatnot. Doctor cleared her for the vaccine and she has had both shots, last one being well over a month ago. Had blood work done last week, nothing abnormal. Well other than she married me...
My crazy dad came into the office today, he came in my office and told me that he say a news story where employers can require employees to take the shot and give them 2 weeks to do it. Not sure this is a real good approach. Then again one of the biggest pain in the ass employees vowed he would not get vaccinated. In a move that smacks of the Third Reich and the Holocaust, Michigan Gov. Whitmer, a malicious criminal and anti-American traitor, has just turned the entire state of Michigan into a vaccine prison camp. She has declared that gunpoint-enforced lockdowns will not end until up to 70% of the state’s adults surrender to being injected with a deadly depopulation bioweapon called a “covid vaccine.” Freedom is only “granted” by the Whitmer regime when certain vaccination milestones are achieved. This is a form of criminal coercion that violates not only the Nuremberg Code restrictions against medical experiments, but also violate fundamental human rights and the requirement for informed consent. ........... much more at link ...
Ha.. my Dr. Administered my shot. He KNOWS I had arthritis scraped off my knees during surgery and I have it at every major injury. Which is dang near everywhere . He knows I was deathly ill at Christmas 2019 but have never been tested for Covid. One would think he would have suggested one as well as considered the arthritis..There will be a discussion ahead......Hhhmmmm.
Minnesota Governor Walz has told us that if we are good that the mask mandate will end July 1......If we are 70% vaccinated. What a jack stain.
Came home from work last night and my wife told me that the MIL saw on the news that our school district is going to require mandatory vaccination to attend in person in the fall. I haven't had a chance to verify it, but, if true, so much for following the science. My kids are in a great public school, but the district as a whole sucks. My wife volunteered to go back to work a year earlier than we had planned just so we can afford private school tuition. Up yours government, you cannot tell me to force this vaccine in my kids bodies.
So weird been down around Panama City Beach this week not a mask in site until you get to the only place people give up all freedom, the airport.