There were 1019 cases due HS athletics from Jan to March. Total cases Jan to March 171,430 If we do some simple math that is .59% of cases. Does the governor think in Michigan people can’t do math. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Her very good buddy the secretary of state apparently thinks that way. Things like counting registered voters in a county compared to voting talleys... She apparently thinks they can't read stuff either. Like the state Constitution... or Court Orders... or much less How To Code...
Our local leaders whining about vaccine equity and wanting their own health dept separate from tj4 state bc they know better. I work in the consistently highest covid percentage rate area in the state. Local leaders approved this small carnival in the highest covid rate zip code in the state. Money matters I guess. Tonight as hundred of people touch every ride..Lol!
Germ what is the deal with you people in Michigan? Do you not wash your hands you mouth breathing super spreaders.
Fun stuff here, Let them Play is now 10 for 10 winning cases against the MDHHS, will see how the big cases goes. MDHHS sent a 142 page response about their authority on mask, testing and qurantines. Will see how it ends up.
Destory them @Germ, glad to see someone with the means and opportunity is fighting back against the overreach.
The judge did not grant the injunction, set a trial date for April 27th Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
quick at least...but just so happens to be exactly after her "2 more weeks to stop the spread" which as we all know means 52 more weeks.