Thanks guys. Overall we're doing pretty good, just really hoping my kids don't get it. I've had a constant headache for the duration of the symptoms so far. Fever and chills the very first night and woke up in bed just drenched in sweat; luckily that was the only night. Today the sinus pressure is just plain stupid. Can't move my head without it hurting. Over exerted myself yesterday getting everything ready for calving season and can feel that today. Lost my sense of taste last night. Wife's symptoms are somewhat similar minus the fever and chills. All in all it isn't terrible, yet anyhow, but not real fun either.
The Minnesota High School sports board banned a powerhouse hockey team from the state high school hockey championships not because any of their players tested positive they were banned because they played a team that had covid positive players on it. Court would not hand down an injunction either.
MHSAA would let the kids play, that's the difference here in Michigan. It's the county's/State health departments that are causing the issues.
One of my Doctor friends has a theory on reactions, those who have no or little reaction have not had COVID, those who do have a larger reaction have had COVID and it's their antibodies fighting back. Interesting theory
Funny plenty of theories about covid the 0- thing, the one you mentioned. I am just glad my antisocial preferences served me well during a pandemic.
I think this might be especially true for the second round of vaccine. If you had Covid, you already have some anti-bodies, then you get the first shot and build up some more, so when you get the third one, there is a lot going on. The first shot I had no issues with, the second one made me feel pretty crappy for a couple of days. Some Dr's feel like one shot was probably enough if you had a fairly recent case of Covid. But, you wont get your traveling papers if you don't get both. Weird world right now. I am wanting to fish Canada as soon as it opens up, so I was getting the second shot regardless.
Don't be surprised when you hear some loud mouthed okie downstream from you. Ive had the same hankering lately.
Let them Play 4 MDHHS 0 The lawsuit filed yesterday against Health Department Play was part,contested, starting Feb. 8 The fight rages on here in Michigan, we have about 58,000 in the fund. We(I) are not going to stop.
I was recently told they aren't giving vaccines to anyone that has had covid in the last 3 months because of the worse reactions to it. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
Today is the best I've felt in the last week for sure. Putting up a new cattle fence yesterday made me really tired quicker in the evening than normal so I can certainly see that symptom hanging around for a while. Hopefully things keep progressing for the positive as planting as fast approaching. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk