The reports are already out there of folks reinfected after having C19. I don't have the scoop on mRna voodoo to know if antibodies last longer than antibody response from your body's immune response to the virus
I meant the decline rate from one shot vs. two. They know the antibodies decline, and they decline with time with the shots as well. Just will be interesting to see if the decline is faster with those who only receive one dose vs. two. I came across a study where it showed antibody decline rate was greater in those who are older as well.
Still bouncing off the walls with the energy of a teenager. I have laid carpet, made trim for my office, hung light fixtures, cleaned toilets, ordered all new office furniture, ran the vacuum every day (I even vacuumed the garage floor) and read a book in addition to getting more done at work than normal. The list actually goes on and on, lol. I am only able to sleep for about 4 or 5 hours a night, but as soon as I have something for breakfast and take the prednisone, I am back at it like a wild-man. If I can retain half of this energy after the treatment phase, I will be absolutely thrilled.
I suspect, before the majority of the population receives their vax, the protocol may change (e.g. 1 annual shot or a good bit longer between doses). This, if 1 shot has 80% efficacy and 2 provide 90+% (for Pfizer or Moderna)... The J&J, was a good bit lower, and creates some questions if it sees EUA approval in the states...
Being her father was a smoker and she now was the lungs of a 70 year old, she decided to take her chance with scientist and not the internet ones
My wife and I just got our second Phizer shots Got our first 3 weeks ago and had no side effects. I’ll update this evening to say if we get any this time.
Well, we’re still feeling fine 12 hours post vaccine #2. Hope we weather the night and should be fine for a few months at least. Stay healthy everyone!
Interesting data out of Schoolcraft County in the UP of Michigan. I wonder what % of vaccinated and those who have antibodies are for actually herd immunity.
guessing this has something to do with it- (That indicates to me the county is mostly populated by family units.) For comparison, Montcalm County (where I hunt) is pretty rural and its population density is over 90/sq mi. Didn't look up their infection rates but I am guessing it's a lot higher.
The CDC website has a pretty good interactive website on seroprevalence (people that have tested positive for the antibodies) Minnesota and Michigan are at about 15-17% of the population have been infected which is about double the lab confirmed reported cases. Wisconsin and Illinois are closer to 23-24%. when talking about percentage that has had Covid (lab test positive), antibodies positive, and vaccinations we are at about 40-50% heard immunity nationwide.
Yes that is part of it, but 6 weeks ago the numbers were high, Montcalm has come down, what I am interested in is the vaccinated %. The county in the UP is the first I have seen over 20%
copy. 25% of 8000 people is 2000 people...I find that hard to believe that many got the shot unless there's a prison, or a lot of nursing homes. Yeah Montcalm was hit pretty hard (infection rate, not sure about hospitalization/death) early last year from what I heard from businesspeople up there...they also have a very IDGAF attitude about masking. Like very. I'd say it was a minority of people in the stores up there and the bars were wide open.
I got my first vaccine today. A friend called and let us know that a small town close to us had more doses than they had appointments for today and since Covid hit me so hard the first time and I am in an essential industry, they let me get it. I am pretty damn happy to have gotten it. I guess time will tell.