They say the vaccines do not prevent you from contracting it or being able to spread it, it only prevents you from having symptoms, that's why you still need to wear a mask and social distance for the remainder of time. That's why I see an annual immunization just like the old days when people still got flu shots... Probably just injecting everyone with saline and letting herd immunity run its course
As heard on AM radio this morning, Both Moderna and Pfizer refute CDCs claims that their vaccines are effective, necessary, or even advisable for people who were previously infected with C-19. Even those who no longer test positive for the anti bodies.
Up where I live the AM radio still does the top of the hour national news, too bad Doug Limerick and Paul Harvey are no longer on the air.
I now know more people who have started the vaccine than have had covid. In northern Minnesota nearly all counties north of Brainerd have more people that have one vaccine than have had covid in that county.
same with me. I know maybe 10-12 people that have had C-19 and about the same number that have gotten the shot. And I live in one of the biggest metro areas in the country.
Over 40 years and my catching EVERY FLUE and walking pneumonia out there, hubby ZERO!!!! O - blood. It's a real thing.
I hear you. Working in health care I have seen what it can do. Being exposed to it on a regular basis I know lots of people who have had it. Most do fine. If your one of the unlucky ones who ends up in the ICU for a month or more it is brutal to say the least.
I can only ever remember getting the flu twice in my life. Once as a teenager and once about 35. That flu strain in 2010ish put a world of hurt on me. Lost 20lbs in a month and had no energy. Literally had to start walking just 200 to 300 yds at a time to rebuild my endurance. And I was young and in good shape. I couldn't imagine what something like that must feel like to an elderly person.
Imagine what it must feel like to the incarcerated. Many Dem states have pushed for the inmates that were deemed too risky to be let out in their "criminal justice reforms" to be given the vaccine before the most vulnerable of innocents. Once again NY Governor and "killer of anyone who dares to say they are his elder" Cuomo is set to vaccinate inmates before law abiders. I'm convinced that by the time I become eligible again, was once but not now, I will have to pay a Co-Pay or pay for it outright. When you look at who the Democrat party caters to and then back at who votes them back in, you can see the repetitive pattern and then if you turn that two way mirror around, you can see the Congressional Dems, both state and federal, laughing at their entire base. They care about nobody outside of their "clique" and chit out of their mouths more than their asses. How anyone could vote for such vile beings is beyond me, to each their own. Never heard one anti Trumper on here speaking out in defense of Biden. Not. A . Single. ONE. Where's the new "Political Praise Thread"?
I got up early yesterday morning to start drinking beer for the Daytona 500 so I flipped on CNN to see what the Covid numbers looked like in the US... they had nothing! It's like they don't even care anymore, what gives?