So been trying to get scheduled for the vaccination, always no appointments. Large batch set to arrive and start distributing on Feb. 1st. Get on the Publi Health website this morning and my County decided to roll themselves back into phase 1A, whereas the state is at 1B. I no longer qualify for it and only giving it to those 85 and older or Healthcare workers, meanwhile we are doing so well locally they are going to lift restrictions on bars and restaurants. One other caveat to the new roll out, while it is only for those 85 and older(non HC worker), if you are 65 or older and are in the same vehicle as the 85+ you can go ahead and get the vaccination as well, no appt needed. Said it will likely be at least 2-3 months, if not longer, before they hope to start getting other essential workers worked in to scheduling. By that point I won't need it and likely will not get it, only reason I was set to get it when I was qualified for it was to get rid of the damn restrictions and mask requirement at work sooner. OBEY
Private schools in Minnesota have not shut down since school started last fall. Not a single super spreader incident very few cases, yet public school teachers feel threatened?
Scare tactics by all. Serious question for you, and one I have not known anyone else to ask personally. You have a grandchild that you adore and cherish, stated many times before. Where do your worries lay? I admittedly do not have such concerns, but wonder where those stand who have younger citizens to consider.
I am recalcitrant to opine as I have been chastened here for doing so with my own hypothetical progeny; much less their spawned hypothetical derivatives.
I was initially very concerned about passing it to my grandson his parents do not seem to worry about it, that is a little concerning. They seem pretty dismissive of it.
Governor Walz here in Minnesota is doing a bang up job. Walz is a former teacher and guess who his priority is? The teachers union.
Time to pick up a date from the nursing home... Or give one or a church, a call and volunteer to drive somebody for a shot. Win:win
As a public school teacher, I don't feel threatened. I just stated that our schools haven't had a super spreader event all year. We've had students test positive, and plenty of teachers test positive, but nothing spreading in the school to our knowledge. Choosing the vaccine for me was a personal choice given my circumstances (I'm around a lot of kids that may or may not be able to spread it to me), my wife is a healthcare worker, we have two young children whom my over 65 yr old parents and in-laws watch all week. That and the only person in my family to contract COVID died, so I do worry about a possibility of there being a genetic component related to the severity of the disease (admittedly, there is no scientific basis to this concern). I wholeheartedly understand people not wanting to get the vaccine, and that is their choice.
I should clarify my opinion is based on what I see on the news and read online about the Minnesota teachers union.
What one did she get? Anecdotal evidence is pointing to more side effects with Moderna than Pfizer. I should also note that with regard to public teachers, I'm in the minority of opinion that school's are safe. I really don't feel too concerned about getting it here, because I feel as though we're not seeing mass infections amongst faculty and students.