I'm betting a lot of people are "starting" to, as Democrats start stating the need to open schools, get businesses opened again etc. Something the rest of us have been stating for months. We are in stage 1B in IL. Misread it at the time, but I am qualified as a manufacturing worker to get the vaccination. Used the web page for my counties DPH and every time I click on it no appt available. Seen tonight, my county is set to receive 1,000 more doses this weekend and new scheduling would start Monday. JB Pritzker made a lot of money off this Pandemic, yet he cannot distribute the vaccine throughout the state. Betting a lot of law makers have the shot or two already, yet common folk are "get when ya get it" classified. I'm getting the vaccine for two reasons, Democrats may be trying to kill those who do not take it, yet if I get vaccinated and I die from it, Trump was right in saying that the cure cannot be worse than the disease. Win/Win
Will Fauci up his vaccination percentage to herd immunity to 105%? We all know whoever Biden portrays as the expert, the MSM is going to quote and follow forever throughout the "vaccination" process. Fauci it is again, he's going to live his life in his own legacy one way or the other. How many attendees will Fauci allow at the Superbowl? Fauci will control Biden in his "epidemiologist role" where he could not control Trump. Fauci is a self loathing and self serving "scientist", just ask him.
Some states and cities prioritizing certain groups of people to jump the line to get covid vaccines. Smokers, homeless junkies, and fat people. This is the Twilight Zone.
I seen where a DR. in Texas was arrested for stealing the vaccine to give to family and friends. Usually money brings out the worst in people, but apparently this vaccine is pretty valuable
Went shopping today...JC the # of people hacking behind masks. Still cleanig all groceries in parking lot before bagging to put in car. Seeing more and more un masked people. I assume they have had it or had shots. Either way I avoid the areas that they are in. I'll be watching the grandsons monday and I am very nervous about it. Their mom is going to see an ENT. She is a " regular"at the Dr. . Grandson fell and opened up his eye brow.ER trip and stitches other to a child dental specialist. Geez Louise...
That's the kicker. Doesn't matter if you have had Covid-19 or have had both shots for the vaccination of covid-19. You are still designated a carrier and transmitter regardless. The vaccination only suggests you will not have symptoms, does not state you cannot get it or transmit, wear your mask and stay at least 6 feet apart. Getting it and recovering from it does not guarantee or suggest you cannot get it again or transmit it. You will have an immunity of an unknown length and will be required to adhere to the afore mentioned guidance to avoid the chance of transmission through distancing and asymptomatic occurrences. Once DC and Puerto Rico are allowed to weigh in we can all go about our daily lives. Until then, bend the knee
NO actual.it isn't always a choice. After injuries and yes hormonal changes I gained WAY TOO MUCH WEIGHT. I see Drs regularly and not one addressed this issue other than saying you need a nutritionist. Well all they did was tell me to lower calories and fat intake. EXCUSE ME been doing that. Exercise more. Well you have read my posts. It was not until I was told to cut carbs did the weight drop. I can tell you in just one to two meals a day I'm ingesting at least 500 more calories then I did on the " proper" diet. I've lost 55#'s... So no it isn't always a choice.
There are exceptions of course. However we live in one of the most obese nations on the planet with over 42% of the country classified as obese... And that's not solely from menopause and injuries...
Day after inauguration, CDC revised positivity designation standards to positive test+symptomatic+follow up positive test. Not 2 out of 3 of those things; all three.
My case had nothing to do with menopause, thank you very much. Insulin is a HORMONE. Americans are fat because we are NOT taught what the bad foods are and are not. When issues and signs arise they are not being properly addressed. Proper blood work isn't being done. People are eating processed foods. Just as smoking may not cause cancer in some and kill others so does high fructose corn syrup , cane sugars and grains in people. Kids today aren't fat just due to lack of exercise or too much food...it's the types of foods and how they effect ....dozens of hormones in the human body.
Sure, I just stated smokers bothers me the most, all of them bother me, smokers just bothers me more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Think about it Smokers get their own breaks at work, their own areas at restaurants, arenas and concerts. Now they get to cut In line for vaccines, how much preferential treatment can one group get? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe it’s the people that are making the rules that are the idiots. On all levels. In the county I live in and the county my parents live in I know of at least a dozen people that have been vaccinated in their 20’s and 30’s meanwhile my 87 and 89 year old grandma and grandpa (still independent and living on their own) have been doing everything asked of them and their vaccines are nowhere to be found right now. WTF