Not sure you'll have a choice, as pharmacies or health departments pretty much have picked the tests they offer already...but a pcr with a low CT is a pretty good indicator you have it...
Im at my wits end. 3 players on my daughters hs bball team felt ill yesterday but still played in the game and came to practice today, while waiting on their covid tests. And they all tested positive today after practice. How stupid are these people and their damn parents! Im at a loss. Im going to walk for two hours and then drink some beer.
Just got back after a 4 mile walk with a small 20lb pack. Beers now. Only things making my back feel better these days....and brain
Another man of character that I put on the Rushmore of Minnesota Wildland Fire retired this week Peter Leschak. Great author and instructor he taught me a great deal honor to say I worked with him.
Had a message from work today that IL is now in stage 1B, anyone 65 or older and those with 2 qualifying conditions are now eligible to get vaccinated. Didn't state what the conditions were. Pritzker has said no restrictions can be lifted until vaccines are readily accessible. Not sure which stage/letter combo that entails but he is killing small business and tax generation as a result. Only place to get tax revenue is guaranteed taxation. Property and sales. Get ready to take it in the arse Illinoisans, no lube. Can't afford it.
Curious for those of you following along/keeping track. You need to get 2 doses to be vaccinated. Do both doses have to be the same manufacturer? No Fisa/Moderna etc. I see a big push for everything to be released all at once but we have already seen people get the wrong shot, not vaccine, as a result. what happens if someone gets one brand first and a different second?
Yes, both doses have to be from the same manufacturer. At least, that is what is being told to us at the hospital where I work.
Heard that Johnson and Johnson have a 1 shot vac they are testing. It is made the "old fashion way"-with virus DNA instead of mRNA. Can be kept in a regular fridge like other vaccines. Will have to wait a bit to find out side effects and how effective it is.
52 cases at my work between both shifts, buildings and office personal. Essential as Buck. We keep plugging along 10 to 11 hours shifts 6 hours on Saturday.
Daughters hs bball team shut down bc 2 players came to their game sick without telling anyone and while awaiting on covid results. Pos after game. Now she gets to only play maybe a total of 6 games her senior year before conf tourney, when in years past they'd play 20. Crazytown full of morons
They are everywhere. My wife does tracing in her "spare time". A husband got it. His wife continued to see her friends, shop, yada yada. She started feeling a little off. Got a test and STILL went to see her friends while waiting on results. My wife had to contact almost a dozen people after talking with this woman. Morons are everywhere.
Kinda like "the end justified the means"? Or don't let a good crisis go to waste? Trump, I think in Apr - May timeframe said we need to get the economy restarted... We're now 4T more in debt, greatly attributed to the virus. Annual GDP IS 78% of our debt and falling. The media harshly criticized him, not doing enough 'Isolate, masks, 15days to bend the curve'... Official (CDC) stats show 8% of population has had Covid, and of that population mortality rate is <1.7%. Yes, elderly and those with other known conditions (and some like Fletch at Randomly hit hard) have higher severity and propensity to complication and mortality. Just saw an article that about 39m people, globally, have received the vaccine. Population of 7.8B...we're on track for the globe to be vaccinated in about 17 yrs. The US is on about a present 21 month track (14.3m of 300m) before Biden takes office.
My wife had her first yesterday, sore arm, and felt tired and run down until about an hour ago. She just yelled at me so it did not make her nicer.
Indirect COVID story, wife’s uncle lives in outer suburbs of Chicago. Retired and devout cnn and msnbc daytime viewer. Bought the lock yourself away narrative for the last 10 months. Lives minutes away from his grandkids and has not seen them for 10 months (smokes like a chimney though.) Got diagnosed with stage four lung cancer earlier this week and now has weeks to live and hardly get to spend any time with his grandkids before he goes.