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Who here gets the virus first?

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by Sota, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Hotrod9

    Hotrod9 Weekend Warrior

    Oct 15, 2018
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    Central Minnesota
    In late March and April it was only NYC and NJ that were having significant outbreaks there are 10,000,000-20,000,000 people in that area. As it is spreading across the US, the numerator is remaining relatively unchanged while the denominator is increasing.

    First it was deaths, deaths, deaths...
    now its cases, cases, cases,
    as it gets to lesser populated areas it is now cases/100k, cases/100k, cases/100k
    whichever is worse...

    Knowing what we know now NYC had 20,000 deaths on May 10th, it takes nearly 2,000,000 cases to reach that death count, NYC had 186,000 cases on May 10th.
  2. Mod-it

    Mod-it Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 28, 2019
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    While I have zero science links to back this up, I believe the new strain is more contagious but less deadly than the original strain.
    "Less deadly" when looking at the entire population's survival rate, but still a bigger threat because being more contagious means it will likely find its way to more health compromised people.

    @trial153, have you seen the latest news about covid "long-haulers"? About 10% of people experience symptoms long after they are considered "recovered" and test negative after having had it.
    I was pretty sick while I had it but felt back to 100% within about a month after, except for taste and smell anyway. I believe you may be one of the unfortunate 10% since you've had lingering symptoms for so long after the main symptoms.
  3. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    I get more skeptical as time goes by. Especially when you start seeing all these companies pushing for vaccination cards so you can go back to life as it were in 2019 and before.

    You cannot believe a word that comes out of Fauci's mouth anymore.

    Where are masks working? No one has supplied that answer yet. They've supposedly thwarted the common flu to having the lowest case numbers ever, yet the elusive China Virus keeps getting through. Why is mitigation and mask wearing working on one but not the other?

    More people than ever are wearing masks, where's the big drop off taking place? Surely somewhere has restrictions and regulations cranked down so tight they have flattened the curve and have had no new cases for XX days.

    Now we have a new "contagiousier" variant of the Wuhan Flu and new talks highlighting the need for vaccination registration. For all we know that is the number one goal now, the only way to be safe from Covid-19 and its dozen counterparts is to take the vaccine and register yourself as having done so. All they have to do is say someone has been diagnosed with a new variant every few weeks, then announce that the current vaccines work on it to. In reality it's the same as it has been.

    Want to leave your house again? Get rid of that pesky mask? Have a go of our special serum and fill out this paperwork and you can live life again.
  4. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Springfield, IL
  5. wl704

    wl704 Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 25, 2012
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    greater-Charlotte NC
    California is, or was around Christmas... But the news was fixated on the shiny $600...

    Cuomo is an idiot but the rate of deaths in NY, per day, is substantially lower now than months ago.
  6. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Springfield, IL
    That's what I'm saying.

    They are telling us that we are entering the worst part of the Pandemic and I believe a quote was made "the darkest days lie ahead". Yet nothing is being done about it other than further restrictions and closing of small businesses.

    If it is as bad now and only going to get worse, why have they not stopped elective surgeries again?

    They're basically saying everything they tried at the onset did not work, but we're going to shut things down even further and restrict you even more, but we aren't going to free up medical care space.
  7. Hotrod9

    Hotrod9 Weekend Warrior

    Oct 15, 2018
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    Central Minnesota
    I have been seeing a lot of people using the "if there were 100 m&m's in a jar and one of them would kill you... would you still take an m&m out of that jar" analogy for this disease and it makes people go "mmmmm maybe I'm wrong about this... and what these people are saying is true" Here's the reality folks. As we age our "risk factor's" go up, its a fact. We all are picking an m&m out of a jar every year we live, and like it or not there are a number of m&m's in that jar that will kill you, again this is fact.

    Here are some the jars of m&m's in Minnesota. (2016 population information)

    Under the age of 45, 3,226,280 people/2,507 deaths in that age range.
    If you are living and under the age of 45 in MN, you must pick an m&m out of the jar, there are 1,287 m&m's and one of them will kill someone...
    dying from covid in that same age range in MN there are 3,824 m&m's in the same jar with one of them killing someone.

    some more perspective...
    age 65-74
    Just living there are 66.7 m&m's in your jar... one will kill someone.
    Getting covid in that range its 33 m&m's in your jar...

    Just living, your jar has 235 m&m's
    Getting covid, your jar has 271 m&m's
    oldnotdead and Sota like this.
  8. wl704

    wl704 Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 25, 2012
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    greater-Charlotte NC
    Many elective surgeries are outpatient and the doctors in those practices aren't ER, pneuma/throactic or internists directly dealing with c-19. Also, not all medical facility beds 'are equal'... Most C-19 v patients needing to be admitted are in ICU.

    But the reason for more restrictions are people are idiots. Denying the virus even exists, wearing masks (the little they help) incorrectly (like the oh si fashionable chin strap), and /or ignoring advice given (e.g. Many bars /clubs and other establishments where there are crowds, also more common in larger metros) are the areas hit the worst.

    Density is the problem (and I mean that in the population and idiocracy senses).
  9. trial153

    trial153 Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 28, 2011
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    One of my partners worked call on Christmas day, respiratory arrest, 58 year Male, **** the bed in front of his family. I QA/QI the chart and all the PMHx in it was ED and C19 which he "recoved" from about 3 week prior. Maybe it was the Viagra that killed and not the clots in his lungs?? 55 year old males dont die of respiratory arrests very often, kids yea...adults not so much....
    We have floors full of covid pts right now at all the hospitals. The Drs and nurses are treating them more effectively then ever, they are doing an outstanding job.

    When I read all the bullshit conspiracy crap from the same offenders posting, I would really like to send them out with some of my people doing CC transports all day and night with covid pts on bipap or stick them on the floor with RN in an intensive care unit for a shift or two. Maybe then I will listen to their stupidity about vaccine cards ect.

    Speaking of vaccines, I had my first on sunday. I do the booster on the 21st... other than a sore arm for a couple days I feel fine.
  10. Germ

    Germ Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 24, 2008
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    "The" Michigan
    Thank you for your work, I can’t imagine how tough it is, being I work from home.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    If your faith and trust in our Government has gone up during this pandemic you need to step back for perspective. That being said I am a mask wearing isolationist that will get the shot because I have to travel.
    oldnotdead likes this.
  12. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Springfield, IL
    I'm similar, I wear a mask where I am required to. I wear one 10 hours a day while at work. I wear one when I go into establishments which at this point is grocery 99% of the time and retail only when unavoidable. I will not and have not gone into big box stores since this began. I don't agree with a lot of it, but I have done my part to make sure I do not contract it, so therefore I cannot spread it. My job is the one place that I was exposed on two separate occasions, for whatever reason I did not get it.

    My reasoning, or if you want to use trial153's terminology of "stupidity", for questioning everything is making the vaccine mandatory. If I continue not getting it and 60% plus of the population takes the vaccine and creates the herd immunity, why do I need it? Those that got the vaccine shouldn't care whether I didn't and I shouldn't care whether they did.

    To use their mantra, "My body, my choice".

    I do not travel, I don't go out to bars, I don't dine in, I rarely go into big retail stores, mostly Menards when I do as I'm not going to buy lumber and such online and I pay at the pump.

    I was vaccinated as a kid and have never had a flu shot. Should flu shots be mandatory and have to have a vaccine card? I'm betting Fauci thinks so, and I'd bet our left leaning members still trust Fauci even after publicly admitting stretching the truths and taking advantage of the trust of the American people.

    If not made mandatory I may consider taking it this coming fall, until then I have no reason to do so. If they make it mandatory I guess I'll become a felon or be incarcerated or maybe join the A-Team and become a fugitive from Justice. I've made it a full year without getting it, I imagine I can go another 7 months, unless they move the goal posts again, without contracting it. By that point the vaccine should be pretty much moot and much ado about nothing.

    Liberal media are starting to talk about how China has misled and tried to hide the origins and actual cases there, not a lot but they are starting to now that the election is almost over. I think once the Pandemic is officially over a lot more will be said on the real numbers and deaths.

    Much like the Democrat vote tally for the election, similar questions remain about the Wuhan Flu case and death numbers.
    oldnotdead likes this.
  13. picman

    picman Grizzled Veteran

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Who said 60% would equate to "herd immunity"?

    I dont believe i have ever seen a number given.

    If this new strain is more transmissable than previous strains, whatever number might have been out there is bound to change.

    Not to burst anyones bubble, but it took 98% of the population to be vaccinated to achieve " herd immunity" for measles.
  14. WildernessPhantom

    WildernessPhantom Weekend Warrior

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Western Pa
    Yea at least 90% for it to work.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Hotrod9

    Hotrod9 Weekend Warrior

    Oct 15, 2018
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    Central Minnesota
    Media: We aren't creating fear...

  16. fletch920

    fletch920 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 8, 2009
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    I am more than a month into recovery from Covid and I still feel terrible most of the time. I have zero stamina and I am short of breath. I walked a half mile in the snow the other evening to hunt and it was all I could do to make it back to the truck. Do I worry about what is going on with my lungs? Do I need to go get x-rays or see a Dr. in your opinion? I thought I would be back to normal by now and I feel about 50% at best.
  17. trial153

    trial153 Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 28, 2011
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    Honestly it sounds par for the course for someone that had serious infection because of the the virus.

    I would say seeing a Dr at this point is prudent. if nothing else you can establish a baseline for right now, respiratory output, lung function and capacity as well as visual though an xray.
    What can it hurt? At least you can make a comparison at later date to your post infection baseline.
    I have had friends and coworkers out and feeling ****ting for close to two months, similar to yourself.

    The truth is we still have very little understanding as to why the virus has such varying effects on different people. Originally we looked at the obvious, co morbidity. However their are is enough data so that isnt the end all. Plenty of individuals that are outliers in both directions.

    Hopefully your feeling better soon. If there is any way I can help just ask.
    fletch920 likes this.
  18. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    It was 70-75%, I remembered seeing 60%, but that was percent of people willing to take it.

    Reported by some outlets as a "confession," Fauci told The New York Times: "When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent …Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80,85."
  19. picman

    picman Grizzled Veteran

    Jan 16, 2013
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    NE WI
    Kerist Fauci. Have some balls. Be like Sota. Tell the truth and let the chips fall....

    We need honesty not more bull chit.

    Based on past viruses and vaccines, they should be able to calculate a reasonable percentage.
  20. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    So what happens if this new "contagiousier" form of the virus doesn't play nice with the vaccines out there, or maybe just one of them works for it and the other 2 or 3(forget how many are currently or close to being approved and available) do not. We start this whole cluster F of a chit show over or wait 5 years for a new vaccine?

    They say they "think" the vaccines will work on it but they do not know for certain.

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