Here is a question If the government shuts down your business do you have to pay property taxes for 2020? Is your business/property not worth anything shut down?
Yes, if you owned the property. It's assessed and has a value...Regardless of income stream. But also a reason why businesses rent/lease... It's a business expense instead of an asset.
given that most of the business property in this country is owned by the Chinese as is the Usurper in Chief -and- all of the the Shutdown Governors; that's like an IOU to yourself.
no, I am just thinking I may want to reconsider not getting the vaccine...would certainly make quarantine time a lot more interesting.
In the realm of my government is stupid here in Michigan. Outside non-contact sports can resume on December 18th, which is diddle. My lord
A few new thread ideas, "Who here gets the vaccine first?" "Who here goes the longest without getting Covid-19 or the vaccine?" "Who here goes to jail first for eating in a restaurant?" "Who here gets in to office first because they are fed up with what is taking place in their town, state, country...?"
Buddy of mines gf tested positive for Corona so he got tested. Mid 40s. Tested positive for the Covid antibodies. Zero symptoms that he can recall since the covid craziness.
I plan on going to dine in at a local restaurant tomorrow so hopefully I don't make the first on this one
Finally, a Democrat tax plan I can get behind:
Sure is making her argument for 2024. Lots of great stuff out of her lately. But she doesn't need to pander for years so UBI isn't off the table.
Oh, she is for sure running in 2024. Problem is she would never be allowed to win the Democrat primaries. She's Internal Enemy #1 of the DNC. She could only win if she takes over whatever 3rd Party Trumpists create. If she comes around on gun control and universal Medicare I could see myself voting* for her; especially if my other choices are RINO or Democrat. *EDIT: Who am I fooling? I am never voting again.
Oh good ole Trucker...ya know this whole white guys attempting to cancel other white guys infavor of non whites by restricting a mass untested injection. It almost had me upset. Then history popped to mind. Glad I'm in the group they are trying to cancel... I live near Rochester NY and the UR government tests( Manhattan project) are still in memory. Current issues have me easily!y as certain folks replaced ballots, changed things up, delivered things that shouldn't have been delivered.....just who's handling this vaccine?...hhhmmmm...