I know it didn’t make sense, but it rhymes and I think that’s what’s important here. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
As far as this goes... No jokes to be made. This is disgusting. They can’t be bothered to go after dissidents torching cars in the streets. But they will beat down the bar owners? What do you want to bet these “sheriff deputy’s” are all new hires. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
My question for everyone would be... if it was your business that was forced to shut down multiple times now, and you were barely surviving, would you just accept your business shutting down for good and losing something you've worked your whole life for???
No that's my biggest beef with this, unless you are willing to forgo your paycheck do not ask others to do so. Police and health department are stopping 11-year-olds from dancing at their studios, that's where we are at in Michigan. But hey the Governor bought some beer from a brewery so it's all good. If you do not have an AID package for these folks than you can't shut them down.
No, but as I am not an entrepreneur this is a double hypothetical for me and "some people" on here hate when I do that with my hypothetical kids so I will retract my "no" vote. Tim Pool had a good take on this last night...actually it was one of his guest's but he echoed it- This is extortion. And not only a massive transfer of wealth to the wealthy but also the absolute crushing of the middle and working classes. All of these lockdowns are. None of them make any sense and they are not supported by medical science. They are using force and the threat of force to make you choose Amazon, Costco, WalMart, Home Depot, and Big Tech over local and small businesses. They are putting a gun to our collective heads and making us shut down our livelihoods and then, because that's not enough, hand over whatever savings we have left to the Big Boys.
Being retired is nice for a lot of things, especially shopping and Dr appointments. I schedule all of these things at around 10 am Tuesday through Thursday. Never on Mondays or Fridays. For groceries I use the Walmart App. Pick a time, order your things, go to the pick up area at your scheduled time and someone comes out and places all of your items in your vehicle and you drive off. No extra charges and you never get out of your car. I did this yesterday, I was at Walmart for 7 minutes and picked up $150 worth of items. If I do have to go into a store ( usually only hardware or lumber store ), weekday mornings aren't crowed at all, at least where I live.
Dang, I was literally just coming here with that one! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I would like to think that, but sadly many of them are slaves to their pension plans at this point. And some of them just like sticking it to other people. Working in a big city where there's a lot of nepotism; on the CPD there are a lot of officers who shouldn't have ever been allowed to wear a badge much less a gun.
Years from now when we look back at this period of time (March 2020- March 2021) after all of the data is collected, sifted and run through what do we think we will say about it? What will Amazon say about the Blip in 2020? What will Walmart say about 2020? What will kids that were in primary school in 2020 say? What will the guy that owns/owned the Mission Tavern in Merrifield MN say about 2020? What will the Politicians that held office in 2020 say? There is going to be a wide variety of answers, some good, some bad and some horrific. Our perceptions of this period of time is probably set pretty well in stone today but as the weeks pass and months and years what's it going to look like?
How I imagine Walz deciding the idea that outdoor dining will appease the masses in December in Minnesota.
If side effects such as asphyxiation persist after 4 hours consult your doctor. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Part of the problem is how the data is captured, interpreted and reported. A fairly decent explanation here : https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/covid-19-data-travesty
Since virtual learning began in my county, the stats for kids in high school and middle school who have failed 2 or more courses has doubled. Crazy.