Only quoting myself to add the link and other "inconvenient truths": buried on pg. 18 this was released internally on October 23 2020 and to the public on October 30 2020 - and of course completely ignored by the media.
Purely anecdotal but it mirrors the favorable stats. I've written of some of this previously but not in such detail- My parents live together and my mother caught it and my father didn't. They took HCQ. She recovered quick and he never caught it. My father has RA really bad and HCQ is one of the most commonly prescribed RA medicines out there. When my mother first started exhibiting C-19 symptoms, she began taking my father's prescribed HCQ. She only had of low grade fever with 2-3 days of minor cough, diarrhea, and body aches. All minor. My mother has a rare medical condition that places her at very high risk for C-19 and she is in her mid-60s. Her GP was indifferent to HCQ but her specialist said "go for it", so she did. She was able to get tested on I think day 2 or 3 and got the positive results a couple days later. By the time she got the results she felt fine. My father never got sick but did test about a week after my mom got her results. Negative. He didn't bother to test again as he never exhibited any symptoms. They quarantined together within their house, which means my dad was around her the whole time including sleeping in the same bed (GROSS!) I could chalk it up to pure luck, but when it mirrors over 50% of other patients who treated with HCQ both prophylactically (as in my father's case) and immediately after exhibiting symptoms as in my mother's; well - I'd say thank God she got it right around the time Trump started crowing about it rather than a month later when all the pharmaceutical lobbyists/pseudo SCIENTISTS were "debunking" it.
Nobody wants to hear this yet, the President is still Trump. Once Biden is inaugurated these stories can emerge and others be told. I think there will be plenty that Trump will be found to have been right about as the weeks progress. Will anyone in the media actually credit him for it? Doubtful, but it could be enough for him to campaign on for the next 4 years, especially if the Dem ran states and cities continue to lay down the rule of law while living in luxury themselves. If Trump does announce he will seek a 2nd term in 2024, which I think he will, it is going to hold Biden a bit hostage. By the time 2022 gets here it will likely be President Harris(first female president never elected) and that's where/when the heavy hitting will start.
I wouldn't doubt it but he traveled to GA today to campaign for 'Orsoff' (sic) and speak to an empty parking lot adoring throngs. He sounded like absolute crap last night. ...And he coughed a lot, too.
President Harris so soon? A lot of your Anti-Trumper's will call that callous, yet their same wishes were pure and true when Trump was the preferred one/ultimately confirmed yet survived. Maybe Biden can croak New Years day and start the year off right. Guess one would have to be a leftist for that to sound just and prudent huh?(not directed at you Wl704, just used your post for commenting purpose)
Not that the virus and politics have had any overlap to date...:eyeroll: But I agree the political games that could ensue, probably best for the politics thread.
Not if Biden has it, I took notice to his cough during his electoral college acceptance speech. This thread is so far from which forum member catches it, they should almost be merged together in all honesty. I also took notice when a member or two here stated if they were to catch it early on they would attend Trump rally's in order to infect as many Trump supporters as possible.