Reminds me of how I am legend begins I’ll definitely take TWD zombies over I am legend “zombies”! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
The 15 minutes is not a single duration event, it is 15 minutes total accrued over 24 hours. 15 one minute close contacts with an infected you are exposed, one 14 minute long duration you are safe. Makes absolutely no sense when you break it down. Haven't had any new cases at my work since before Thanksgiving. With the cases that have happened the "contact tracing" has been a joke. The health dept. doesn't do the tracing, the employer does, they ask who were you around for 15 minutes or longer in total over a 24 hour period. Like you carry a stop watch for every encounter you have on looping 24 hour terms. I was never contacted by anyone aside from HR at my work when I was "exposed". Ol' Biden sounds like he may have a case of the 'rona going on with his dementia, be a shame if he had to shack up with Rudy for a few weeks.
Has Biden and staff received the vaccine? Has President Trump? From a national security perspective you would think some of the first vials should be going to elected officials. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
You know if Trump got it they would say he is putting himself before his country and if he says he is not taking it so one more vulnerable person has access to it they will say he is afraid of his own vaccine. It's a no win situation I find it more concerning that Dez Bryant can be tested and have results within an hour and be pulled from a game, yet we have long term care facilities still having outbreaks 9-10 months after they were deemed most vulnerable. The vaccine is out there, the transition commences in 27 days. Let us watch how the outlook and direness of the virus transitions over the next 45 days. From doom and gloom for Trump to praises and raises for Biden et al, King Biden shall be our savior, Amen!
FBN and several written outlets are reporting from Britain- apparently over there in the UK they have identified a new strain that is is tripling the rate of infection compared to previously known strains. Supposedly not any more deadly though (which follows viral evolutionary norms.) Will be very interesting to see how effective the vaccine(s) remain and for how long. I don't know how often and how large the genetic strain analyzing is done across the board, but it's something I pay attention to when reading. What I continue to see reported is that the original Wuhan strain was only moderately deadly and very often a- or mildly symptomatic; then Chinese nationals infected a region in Italy where it mutated into the variant(s) that later became prevalent in New York/New England. In California, recent analysis of blood donor samplings taken in November 2019 indicate an extremely high rate of C-19 antibody positivity; meaning that the virus was widespread in California at least (likely across the West Coast) as early as September 2019.
The racing team that I help on lost one of our helpers yesterday, 58 good health on a vent 2 times. He was stubborn and did not want to go to get treated early on. I am concerned about this thought process, I know there are thousands if not tens of thousands that have died because by the time they sought treatment it was already too late.
This data tracker from the CDC is very interesting. Based on these numbers MN likely had the amount of reported cases that we have today back in mid August. That's almost 10% of the population of the state... 3 months ago! If the same trend holds true today, (I personally think is a little bit less) that would be 2.2 million cases vs. the 380,000ish reported lab confirmed cases. That's 40% of the population of Minnesota.
A couple problems are it can worsen very quickly, though the treatment protocol is improving there are a wide variety of side effects beside respiratory (brain bleeds, organ shut down, etc), the respiratory issues also run a wide spectrum of severity...
In our buddy's case he rode it out at home for almost 2 weeks before he went in. *edited* it was about 2 weeks before he went in, not 3 as I stated originally
all I know is if I start to feel peaked I am tapping into the dog's Heartguard. See what all the fuss is about.
HCQ is apparently back on the menu per the AMA...50-70% lower rate hospitalization when administered prior to or at early onset symptoms. Funny how that comes out a month after the election.
Whoa, wait, starting to think we were herded like cattle here. I am a reasonable man I believe the election is long over I wear a mask and take precautions to avoid close proximity but all these new discoveries are troubling. Based on my travel patterns I could have very well been exposed and have antibodies, is it wrong to ask for an antibody test before taking the shot?
you mean all these old discoveries touted by Trump and non-Fauci/Bill Gates acolytes who weren't invested to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in "new" vaccine development?