Go ahead guinea pig, but as this is the world's first mRNA engineered vaccine I'll take a hard pass. They're engineering your body. Cracks me up that a lot of people who would freak out about eating genetically modified foods will be the first in line to get this vaccine. I would actually rather get the Vid and take my chances and the resulting immunity thereof for however long that lasts. My wife as she often does had a great take on the vaccine - you would never buy the first year of a new vehicle model; why wouldn't you wait at least a year to get modified viral code shot into your bloodstream? Do you though.
So a son of a member who is fighting this on the frontlines(is a doctor correct?) is not good enough for you? CDC? https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/more/masking-science-sars-cov2.html Surgeon General? My Doctor fletch920 on a board of a hospital I am not saying you wear one or not, like I said 3rd time now, do what you want
Well, the virus nearly killed me the first time. So, I will definitely do me. I don't really see it as much of a choice.
Speaking of washing produce... most of us have these O3, ozone, generators. We bought some little ceramic air stone attachments to infuse water that you soak and rinse your produce. Kills bacteria and prolongs the shelf life in the fridge.
Vaccinate those that this virus poses a serious risk to. Those with serious conditions, age 50 and above, others that for whatever reason fall in a high risk category. What happens when nursing home patients and elderly refuse to get this vaccine? Are we going to still keep things shut down?
Well, that is exactly the plan. That is why most of us will not get the opportunity to be vaccinated until next Spring.
Honest question, has there been any significant Trials of vaccinating people who already had the virus?
Just a though... Nurses doctors and the elderly are first in line for the vaccine... What happens if the side effects side line the health care workers and escalate deaths among the elderly... Does it make more sense to trial the first round of vaccine on the 30-50 age group? My mom is 93 immobilized and has a blood clotting disorder. The CDC has issued a statement that this is one of the conditions you should not have if taking the vaccine due to adverse reaction!
The Moderna there as a 30,000 trial here in Michigan. my Doctor took part in it. One requirement was NOT to have had a positive test. My guess is no
My wife works at the hospital and they are starting vaccination scheduling this week. She has bad allergies and a suppressed immune system. Once again these are things the CDC has said you should not get the vaccination for if you have these conditions...
I think we all know that there have not been any "significant" trials of any kind period. I guess we could wait until everyone has had the chance to catch Covid and just treat the survivors. We have three new funeral cards laying on the front counter of my office. Two of them died from complications of Covid. My guess is that their families wish they would have had the chance to take the vaccine. Waiting is not really a luxury we have right now. To each their own.
Our neighbor was in charge of one of the Moderna vaccine trials here in OKC. She has stated we want the Moderna vaccine... and that is all she has said about it. Even after asking about side effects, effectiveness and a couple of random questions. I guess being in the general public group most of us will have plenty of time to see what the side effects may be in others before taking the vaccine.
Reading through some posts, it seems a lot of folks forget this virus was/is called the "novel" coronavirus. There's still much that we don't know about this virus, or it's long term effects on those who survive it. Time will be the teacher here.
I am about a month beyond "recovery" on this crap. I can tell you that I still get daily headaches and neck pain. My legs are still like rubber and my lungs are nowhere near normal. I could not run a block if a mean dog was chasing me. Prior to getting sick, I could run a mile or more with no problem and normally did a couple of times a week on the treadmill. I still sleep about 10 hours a night and have zero energy during the day. I pray daily that my life will return to normal. I don't care if it takes a few more months, I just want my life back. Not everyone has had that chance.
Is expect at least 1H21 of not most of 2021 to remain somewhat shut down. Not sure nursing home patients will have a choice... There is a growing sentiment/belief in the legal and HR fields that employers can make vaccination a condition of employment once fully approved. If think nursing homes, assisted living, etc could require or amend their agreements to this effect.
Spot on. From the morning news Pfizer's vaccines will likely be consumed (50-100m vaccinated, I forgot what they said) by March. Moderna's vaccine should be ready for review in Jan...likely rolling out soon after. Astrozenaca and one other (J&J?) following...