Because a link to this won’t matter and there is tons of evidence out there and it will just be disputed with another link. Instead, we have a member's family member working on the front line what he believes and still won’t be good enough for some here. Like I said do what you want. I believe his son.
What am I doing? Everyone has to mask up here and I don't have an issue. I use two filters in my mask, and yes unlike EVERYONE else I stand in the cold ,rain and snow to bleach wipe every single thing I buy before it enters my vehical. To be honest this whole thing taught me how filthy your groceries are. Yesterday I watched a woman literally pinch every single avacado in the bin. Many people now turn products around to view nutritional info. Then don't take them. I've learned in the winter, noses run even behind masks, so assume all hands are snotty. Then a little boy ran his ,I just wiped my nose, and over the cereal boxes. I will alway wipe my groceries now. Covid opened my eyes. Heres are the 3 biggest things I've done: Lost 50 #'s Upped my D,C,zinc, potasium and magnesium. Took responsibility for my own health whether it works or not. I don't much care what anyone else does unless they know they're infected and go out. I just assume Everyone is and act accordingly, it's not hard to do just inconvenient. Ps...I also fast
You do know that if you search long enough you'll find a link that backs up almost any theory? Masks work to help stop the spread, plain and simple. I have yet to hear otherwise from any reputable epidemiologist. Not a single one.
I was thinking, the three doctors and politicians are jockeying to be first for the vaccine. Not that I'm wishing this on anyone, but, it would make for great sci-fi if it were to have some really bad side effect.
I have to be honest, when you first said you were wiping everything down, I laughed and I mean a big loud belly laugh. The longer this goes on the less humor I see in what you do. We have always washed our produce so no big change there for us. The bolded statement is where most of us need to pay attention.
I'll second this. And if I may, @Sota is stressing the MANDATE of masks being ineffective rather than masks themselves. I would also go along with that. The numbers bear that out. Asymptomatic transmissions outside the home or close work setting is by most accounts rare. But obviously we can't trust people to stay home even when they're exhibiting symptoms. So masks probably do help a bit in that respect. But then as OND points out, people still wear masks improperly and run around touching things after touching their faces. We'll probably never know how many cases are transmitted while wearing a mask improperly. Personal responsibility, personal consideration, and personal acceptance of risk... somewhere in there lies a balance.
That would be interesting. And how many strains are there now as that would dovetail with the chance of getting it more than once. Then that brings up the vaccine. Effective against all strains? As these are made from modified RNA, hopefully, this will not be like the flu shot.
I've only read of like 2-3 instances of this (Meaning it's so rare as to be statistically non- existent. ) that will undoubtedly change as the virus mutates. There's not a chance in hell I'm letting someone shoot viral mRNA into me. Not a effing chance.
Germ, I wear a mask. I don't believe it does anything. I believe that there are 10's of millions of other Americans that are in this same boat. All I am asking you for is something backing up your belief. I have done so, and still I wearing a mask because (that I don't believe in) to allow others a sense of security. how the masking conversations are going. Person A "Wear a mask!" Person B (Me) "I don't think this is doing anything to help, but if this is what it takes for businesses not to shut down and we can go about our daily lives then fine I'll wear a mask" Person A "There are so many anti-maskers out there, if they would just wear a mask this would all be over" Person B (Me) "There seems to be pretty good mask wearing, why are the numbers increasing?" Person A "they aren't doing it right" Person B (Me) "..." Person A "Wear a damn mask!" Person B (Me) "I am, and so are others" Person A "WEAR A DAMN MASK OR UNFRIEND ME" Person B (Me) "I am wearing a mask, but again I don't think this is doing anything" Person A "Stop being a science denier, wear your mask!" Person B (Me) "I am wearing a mask, show me where science proves this is helping" Person A "I don't need to, the evidence is everywhere" Person B (Me) "..." Person A "WEAR A DAMN MASK!" Person B (Me) "I am"
Reinfection is not that rare. There are actually hundreds if not thousands of cases of reinfection. I would guess we are somewhat immune to reinfection for a few months, but that time frame is only now starting to wear off and I would guess we will see a rise in reinfections. 13 sailors on one Navy ship were reinfected this spring in a fairly short time. Every doctor I have asked about the vaccine is going to get it and said I would be crazy not to. So, I will likely get the vaccine. Most of us will not be able to get it until February or March. By then, we should know a lot more about the vaccine and its side effects.
I have heard of about a dozen worldwide over the last months, lets assume it's 1000 people for numbers sake. That's a 0.0013% chance.
Shouldn't the people being vaccinated at this very second know about the side effects? Say we find out in March that frontline nurses will struggle to have children due to the vaccine...?
Correct, I am by no means saying it's impossible, I just stand by my assertion that it is so rare as to be statistically 0.
It is far higher. The Dutch suspect as many as 1600 in their country alone. If we develop natural immunity from having it for 3 to 6 months, we are just now getting into the timeframe where we will start to see a significant increase in reinfections. You get a cold more than once. You will get the Rona more than once. No way around it. I for one, will not risk getting it a second time.