Hell my employer will GIVE you 2 days off for free if you start exhibiting any symptoms of being sick and stay home. They are encouraging it. Absolutely 0 excuse to come into work after being exposed and not telling someone and being tested.
We had a guy on another shift show up other day and say he was goin home because the place his wife worked at had a positive case. So he said he had been exposed through her and was goon to self quarantine. Supposedly they fired the dude but I don't know if that would really hold up, but also don't know that his excuse for not working flies either. Will be intetesting if he walks back in in 2 weeks. Funny thing was the day before I was exposed from him goin off the exposure guidelines and brought that up jokingly to supervisor. He didn't find the humor ha. Guess if the health dept starts calling I'll worry about it then. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
So as I've said before, I'm generally a data nerd for a living... And, surprisingly, have friends in the same field... Some interesting work from a buddy and my racquetball partner. US 2019 weekly deaths (also by state) compared to 2020 net difference, likely covid related. As much as the media claims the sky is falling in recent months, on the whole (country) it appears it was worse earlier in the year... Your state may vary. https://www.indexmundi.com/dashboards/us-deaths/
I hear ya. We have the same chuckle heads on both side as well. One side ended when the extra $600 UC went away. On yeah, claim covid and get UC. Company said screw that and started paying people to stay home. Other side is very near the end as company is suspending employees who KNOWINGLY come to work sick or dont report possible exposure. We only need to report to the nurse the circumstances. She will report to management those circumstances and a decision is made on the employee status. After the week i had, i might have to self report. Cough cough
Wish I could, unfortunately this tool is from Corp in Chitcago and was sent here to babysit ME during my transition in taking over this plant. Ironically I was out all last week working from home while he was here infecting my plant because I self quarantined while waiting for test results after my holiday travel so as to NOT risk exposing my plant. So... that worked out real well for them. I do not anticipate he will be returning to my plant..... ever. I heard last night both he, his wife, and both of their daughters have now fallen ill. Quite ill from what I understand. Meanwhile I had two more folks get ill with possible symptoms yesterday. I am getting scary close to having to shut down the entire plant for a bit.
I have been looking for data displayed like the above. Thanks for proving you can get good covid data in the water cooler Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You can get it outside the water cooler too. Disclaimers: 'Good data' is relative. Ymmv. Some restrictions apply. May not be accepted by all social media. Some number of covid deaths may have biscuit poisoning Co-morbidity. If symptoms last more than 4 hrs see a doctor. May or may not be valid in Ottumwa IA (home of Radar O'Reilly)...
A good friend of mine is pretty sick with Covid right now. This is day 3 for him and getting worse even though he got the infusion at the hospital yesterday. He has diabetes and is high risk. His son plays on the highschool basketball team and several players on the team got Covid after last Friday's away game with a neighboring town. The players brought Covid back to our town and to their families homes. I could lose a 51 year old friend over this. We can wait to play sports after the vaccine is out. It wont be long. Glory days really are not more important than human life. The kids are not going to die either way, but others will.
Ty for sharing Sounds similar to how hydroxychloroquine was supposed to work. I was shocked when he said the CDC, FDA AND NIH hadn’t even looked into known drugs as a solution. They couldn’t even put together a task force between the three of them. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
You can tell his emotions are not an act, he is eaten up inside that there are people dying and he believes he has the cure. It’s very sad Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
it's about a lot more than "glory days." Kids are committing suicide in droves right now. Countless more are turning to controlled substances, which in many instances will end up ruling the rest of their wasted and likely shortened lives. They need to be with their peers both in class and in competition. Sorry and I realize how callous this sounds, but in a purely scientific sense the life of a kid who kills himself because he is in forced isolation is more tragic than the life of your middle-aged friend who has already reproduced and lived a fairly full life. These vaccines are n0 silver bullet. Already verified reports of the Pfizer one causing Bell's Palsy and in Australia they terminated trials as volunteers are now false-testing positive for HIV. As to "it won't be long..." sorry but it was "two weeks to bend the curve" 12 months ago.