I have had to quarantine most of our front office folks and about half of my production floor leadership thanks to someone getting exposed over Thanksgiving, not reporting or self quarantining, working all last week before falling ill on Fri and testing pos on Sunday. So... yay me, I get to do EVERYONES FN job
So at a thanksgiving dinner I take it? Is your place of work mask required? (not mask for or not, just curious)
There was no covid outbreaks from the Thanksgiving dinner at my home, zero masks worn over an evening and the next day. Guess it was some kind of privilege that all attendees were tested clean before attending.
can you fire this person? I am generally a pooh-pooher of the virus; but there is no excuse to come in to the office after having knowingly being exposed. Certainly once you start exhibiting symptoms. Even pre-plandemic I was a germophobe and would be tempted to throw someone out the window when they came into the office hacking and coughing. I despise getting a typical upper respiratory infection due to someone else's inconsiderateness; much less this crap.
I have well over 1000 hours of SL which is carried over year to year and accrued at a rate of 4.5hrs/PP. But regardless, I can't think of anyone getting fired for calling in if they are exposed. Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen- in fact, if an employer were to force someone to come in after trying to call in with the Rona, and other people in the workplace were subsequently exposed/infected; that would be a HUGE liability to the employer.
can miss a few days of 1 employee's productivity or an entire office getting shut down for 2-3 weeks and then likely permanently when they get their pants sued off.
regardless of their views, I am leery about taking health care advice from any Cheeseheads. All jokes aside, this is the first I have heard about this treatment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin $10/pill. Can't believe YouTube hasn't banned that video yet.
yeah, but...sorry not sorry. Pink slip. Someone that reckless/selfish I can't abide. There's a difference between careless but innocent transmission and knowing you were exposed and carrying on like nothing happened with fingers crossed. Especially in a close office setting.
Geez, what a great employee. Could have opened you up to OSHA attention too. "OSHA recently clarified that to be reportable, a hospitalization due to COVID-19 must happen within 24 hours of an exposure to the virus at work. In addition, the employer must report the hospitalization within 24 hours of knowing that the employee has been hospitalized and that the reason for hospitalization was a work-related case of COVID-19".
Yes, exposed at Thanksgiving and yes masks are required here. However the CDC does not take into account whether you have on a mask or not in their definition of exposure. Anyone whom was determined to have contact with him thru our contact tracing, that exceeded 6' or less for 15 minutes or more was quarantined. My company has a VERY lax policy for sick leave around the virus. IF you have been exposed (same criteria as above) to a known positive individual, or had COVID like symptoms you get 14 days of quarantine PAID, regardless of whether or not you test positive or negative you must remain out the full 14 days. So this isn't about losing money. It also brings out those who WANT the quarantine. Extra 2 week paid vacation right? ummm... no
Canada approves the vaccine https://www.newsy.com/stories/canada-authorizes-use-of-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine/
Here in Minnesota and if you take the funds you have to pay a covid positive person who is out 2 pay periods. Fake news for showing up with covid.