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Who here gets the virus first?

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by Sota, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    Regarding the mask thing- it should be like consensual sex. If I am in your personal private space, and you want me to mask up, I will. That's a matter of personal respect.

    If you and I independently to congregate in a public place, and it's situated in a manner where you can't avoid me and my maskless face; then you wear a mask. That's your personal choice and prerogative. I won't make fun of you.*

    I accept your personal request in a private setting.
    I reject the Governmental coercion.

    * OK, I will a little bit in my head. But then I will wonder if maybe you have a pre-existing condition that I don't know about and feel bad for making fun of you...a little bit.​
  2. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    well, we all know you are a communist anyway.

    seriously, I think tobacco should be a Schedule I narcotic, same as MJ. But it isn't; so.....
  3. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    I have been pondering the public's response to this pandemic. Wearing a mask or not, going to a bar or restaurant or not and it seems like the public does what ever they want. Our nation's leadership is nothing but hypocrites they warn of us of climate change and even campaign on that issue yet fly around in private jets. They do not have the same health insurance that they mandated that we must have. They tell us we have to hunker down yet they go out for dinners and get hair cuts. People see thru it and act arrordingly we have zero true leadership.
  4. fletch920

    fletch920 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 8, 2009
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    We have quite a few Ukranians that live in our rural county. They also thought just like you, that this is all a big hoax. They continued to have family gatherings at will and bragged about it. They have now lost 5 of their own to Covid from these family gatherings. They had to learn the hard way. Maybe you will be the same. By the way, that is 5 of the 6 deaths for our town of about 4,000 people because they continued to do business as usual. I have some Ukranian clients that refused to wear masks when they came to my office. Guess how I most likely was infected by the virus.....

    We have had 311 cases. Small number statistically and only 6 have died. We have been lucky that most of our community took social distancing pretty serious. Our town has a very high median age and we are trying to protect them. But, correctly worn masks do in fact work and there is plenty of evidence to prove it. Surgeons have known this for a century and we all do also. Some may not like it, or want to admit it. But, there is no way that a mask does not help contain a sneeze or cough which is a proven way to transmit a virus of any kind. Especially one as contagious as Covid.

    Give granny a big hug at Thanksgiving, you daring rebel. Statistically, there is a very small chance any of you will die, so why not.

    FYI, the hospitals in Des Moines are beyond capacity with one of them hosting 18 people in the Emergency Department last night while waiting for a bed. I learned at our hospital board meeting last night that starting on Monday, our local hospital will start taking patients from our affiliate hospitals in Des Moines to open beds for new Covid patients. Unfortunately, we only have one free bed because we are also full up with Covid patients at the moment. I didn't get a chance to ask any of them how ridiculous this silly hoax is. Maybe I will get a chance later to ask the ones that live.
  5. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Fletch there are published papers that say surgical masks do little to nothing to protect the patient or medical staff in the operating theater. Again don't get me wrong I wear a mask, but they are not a silver bullet.
    fletch920 likes this.
  6. fletch920

    fletch920 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 8, 2009
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    The Mayo Clinic would say otherwise in their findings. Look, nothing is a silver bullet, but washing hands, social distancing and wearing a mask all help to prevent the spread. That much is indeed a fact. Being a chest thumping fool that ignores any and all of these safety measures is only proving a willingness to put yourself and others in danger. Unfortunately, some of those that become infected have no choice and can suffer the consequences of others thick-headed actions.

    I know you get it Sota. But, you also have an IQ above room temperature. Stay well. You have a much better chance than some.
    Sota likes this.
  7. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    The mayo clinic also has over 700 highly trained medical personnel that have been diagnosed with covid.
  8. Okiebob

    Okiebob Grizzled Veteran

    Jan 16, 2015
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    When I was living in Japan it was known to be a common courtesy or respect for others to wear a mask when you were getting over something as simple as the common cold, flu or stomach bug. Living in Oklahoma with a church on every corner and all that love for thy neighbor just seems to be a passage ignored in the book they're always touting. I don't think its that hard to wear a mask, I believe its simply considerate and if doctors and medical professionals believe it works I more apt to listen to them versus some guy on Facebook that barely passed biology in 9th grade. The anti mask crowd is nothing more than a barometer for the selfishness present in the US these days. The funniest part of all this here in Oklahoma are the so called Christians that go around living their entire life based on something that is a complete leap of faith, even going so far as to say Jesus will protect me, its all part of God's plan ect... but when science says wearing a mask can cut down on the spread of a virus it is an all out battle and an insult to their personal freedom. Which in turn is just an open admission of their true nature, selfishness. And I love the argument of if masks work then why are the numbers going up!!?? Derr, bc knuckleheads have been refusing to wear them this entire time. They would work if we had 100% compliance but that is just a daydream bc well, selfishness is ever present in today's society. Looks like Freedom has evolved into Freedumb, basically your ignorance is now equal to a learned person's knowledge.

    My family normally gets together for Thanksgiving but this year we are doing the virtual thing, its just one year and not that big of a deal. Ive have all my accounts caught up and closed at work and did so bc I know that at least 48% of Americans that tout how much they believe in a sacrifice that guarantees everlasting life cannot simply sacrifice one Thanksgiving and one Christmas in order to slow the spread of a freaking virus. December ought to be real interesting and I plan on enjoying my time off.

    Thank you in advance for all insults regarding me as a sheep and whatnot. Make sure to recognize that science provided you with all the tools to do so.
    early in, picman, dprsdhunter and 2 others like this.
  9. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    I am not anti mask but I am damn skeptical.
    fletch920 likes this.
  10. Mod-it

    Mod-it Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 28, 2019
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    My having Covid has done the direct opposite of how @fletch920 feels about it after having it.
    Yes, I felt pretty cruddy for the first 4 or 5 days, but I never once felt like my life was threatened. Not even a little. I hardly even took any over the counter drugs, just some Tylenol for the couple of days that the body aches were uncomfortable enough that I couldn't sleep well. When it was over I remember thinking, "That's it?" Myself and every single other person I know that has had it hasen't had to seek medical attention. A high majority wouldn't have even known they had it if they hadn't lost taste and smell. Several of them are obese, and several have and still are lifelong smokers. I know of no one under the age of 38 that has even had any symptoms.

    I do still wear a mask though. Yes I feel completely stupid wearing it even after all this time. I can't express how ridiculous I feel, and I truly do despise them. I have some doubts that it helps much at all...but it is a small thing that really isn't that inconvenient for me to do if it might prevent someone else with some kind of existing medical condition that won't survive the virus. But I do feel like it is the same as being told to wear one to protect these kinds of people from the common flu, which they also wouldn't do well to get.
    I feel most numbers and charts are not accurate at all, especially the death rate, due to monetary/greed reasons.
    Being mandated that I have to wear a mask I feel is a far cry from being told how many kids I can have, or I have to let them inject something into my body, or some of the other stuff mentioned above. If there really is some kind of underhanded government "conditioning" going on with this, well then I'll just say that I feel they have sadly underestimated how most Americans will respond when they try to "up" the game.
  11. fletch920

    fletch920 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Well, when you are thrown into the snake pit, it's pretty difficult to not get bit. Again, no silver bullet. But, there are also doctors and nurses that are treating covid patients daily that have been able to avoid it. Some things must work some of the time. I have never fallen out of a tree stand, but I still strap in each and every time. I wonder how many guys would throw away their safety harness if the government told them they had to wear one to hunt.
    early in likes this.
  12. Grouch

    Grouch Weekend Warrior

    Jan 17, 2020
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    Except for the very Liberal area,s of Madison and Milwaukee, The remainder of the state virus numbers were very low from the beginning, In August our Illustrious Wi. Governer one term tony Evers mandates face mask wearing, Ever since this mandate began the positive numbers began to increase, then skyrocket, not to long ago we were a hotbed in the U>S> !!!! Any Moron can see thru the garbage and see what changed !
  13. Germ

    Germ Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 24, 2008
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    "The" Michigan
    The point I am getting from fletch is all lives matter and it’s not just about you.

    That being said I am still fighting for kids in my state to play winter sports.

    I know the risk and for me and my wife and have told my son if we get to play and he wants too it’s school, basketball and then home. No friends over or grandparents.

    It’s fun and not fun to watch a lot of those who pretend to give a damn on sundays, not give a damn at all about others. Interesting reads here.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    fletch920 likes this.
  14. fletch920

    fletch920 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Any moron can see. It obviously had nothing to do with kids from rural areas going back to college and then coming back home to party with their friends over the weekends. Nothing to do with bars and garage parties. Nope. Those damn masks cause Covid! Finally, we found the answer.
    Okiebob likes this.
  15. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    See the thing that makes me skeptical that is was reported that all those medical personnel got the virus, it was out in the community or when they took their masks off to eat in the break room. They reported it as fact, come on man.
    cantexian and fletch920 like this.
  16. fletch920

    fletch920 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 8, 2009
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    I get the passion but here is my problem with this. A guy that works for me coached volleyball this year. They did everything in their power to keep everyone safe. Some of the girls still got Covid. He got Covid. His wife ended up really sick with Covid. The kids will not likely get very ill, but they are great at passing the virus around. So, when your athletes go into the classroom, you are putting the teachers and staff at risk. We now have two teachers in our system that are out with Covid. Unfortunately, not all teachers are young and healthy. Not to mention that these same kids are going home to share covid with their parents and siblings that may have health issues. I'm just not convinced that organized sports are a smart move at the moment. I feel like we are close enough to a vaccine being readily available that it might be prudent to just hold off on winter sports for now.
    early in and greatwhitehunter3 like this.
  17. cantexian

    cantexian Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 11, 2013
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    The thing about the masks, and people keep forgetting this, is that it is unknown if it is 100% effective in stopping the virus. Stopping the virus is not the point. The point is trying to slow the spread so that hospitals do not get overwhelmed with too many patients that really need the hospital level care. We are not trying to stop the spread; we are trying to keep it manageable for the hospitals. There are not enough hospitals in the country to contain all the unhealthy people that are high risk if they all get sick in too short of a timeframe. We will go from people dying in hospitals under medical care to people dying at home because there was not enough medical care available. We are not far from this. America is going to get kicked in the nuts repeatedly over the next four months. Sadly, it is going to take losing a loved one before the thoughtless and selfish people wake up.

    Like most, I hate wearing the mask. However, if it helps slow the spread even a little, I can put up with it. On daily basis, I work with the people doing the patient care. They are already overwhelmed as it is. I cannot imagine how things will be for them in a few months if hospitalizations continue to climb as they are.
    Germ, fletch920 and Okiebob like this.
  18. kspseshooter

    kspseshooter Weekend Warrior

    Aug 12, 2012
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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. fletch920

    fletch920 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 8, 2009
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  20. Germ

    Germ Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 24, 2008
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    "The" Michigan
    We had zero cases passed in Michigan via competition, I know winter sports are different. My son is being ask to give up 25% of his HS career and we have done a pretty good job. The one kid on our team that got COVID was from a church group. The question is where did the person get COVID on the volleyball team? From another player or somewhere else? That's where the discipline from parents and team needs to come into play.

    We have to wear masks in Michigan for practice and games. Practices scrimmages are not allowed, coaches do a good job. The kid who had covid came to practice with it, 0 spread we were lucky, but the coaches were strict about 6ft and mask on correctly.

    This is where personal responsibilities need to step up. My family has given up a ton, my daughter's second year at MSU, me working from home, wife working from home, not seeing family, not going out to eat, church, and all the extra stuff we use to do.

    I do have my line in the sand and this is it, I fought for fall sports and it went better than I could have imagen. The kids at least earned a shot for a season.
    early in and fletch920 like this.

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