The mask mandate in Minnesota has been an utter failure, look at the numbers since July when the mandate was imposed. Cases have done nothing but go up.
Your health is NOT my responsibility!!! I can’t take a spoon away from to keep you from getting fat. I can’t keep you from smoking,drinking, ect...... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So tell me this........ if the masks work, why are the cases going up so rapidly all of the sudden???? You sir have clearly drank the koolaid Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Because dipsticks that don't believe it is real continue to run around without masks and don't give a crap about others. That's why they actually had to mandate masks to be worn in public. Because we have too many people that are too stupid to make that decision on their own for the better of all. They only care about themselves and they are idiots that just don't get the seriousness of it all. Because we can't just kill the stupid people, we have to legislate common sense sometimes. Kind of like having speed limits. We all have choices to make. I choose to not be part of the problem, but instead, take some very simple precautions to help save lives. Because it's proven to be just that simple. Sometimes simple is still hard to understand for some folks.
I'll play devils advocate. If 30,000,000 people in the US didnt smoke... we would prevent 450,000 direct deaths yearly and 40,000 yearly indirect 2nd hand smoke deaths.
Let me say it again for you YOUR HEALTH IS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY!!! My responsibility is this, if I’m sick stay home Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's illegal to smoke in public places in over half our states. So, you kind of just made my point. Thanks.
Sorry that argument holds no water, in cities The people wearing a mask outnumber the people who do not 1000 to 1 at least And I am highly skilled at keeping at least 6 feet away from people because we know this Covid can’t jump more than 5 foot 11 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is another flaw in your argument. Covid is different from the flu in that it can take three days or more of being infectious before you ever have a single symptom. Heck, you can be full blown sick with it and not even know it. So, common sense would tell us all to wear a mask in public because we have no idea if we are carrying the virus or not. You have pretty much struck out on all counts at this point.
Fletch, calm down. I know you are worked up a bit but you know that there are countries that do kill "stupid" people. This country isn't one of them. At times it seems to be headed that way when people are being told to stay home, wear masks in your home and can only visit with a certain amount of people or relatives. Btw, the mask thing is not"proven". There are just as many doctors that say they don't work as those that sat they do. It looks to be proceed at your own risk at this time.
Common sense would tell you to get back to living life and don’t let the agenda that is called Covid tell you what you can and cannot do...... My family and extended family is going to have a big, maskless Thanksgiving dinner. Have a good holiday Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I do wear a mask when in any public building, and when not in my actual office at work. I don't like it but I do it.
number of cases is nearly a meaningless statistic. Buit if you want to use it, OK. Less than 4% of the population has been tested positive. And only approximately 5% of those cases have proven fatal- all but a fraction of which had serious co-morbidities. I am sorry you were sick. I am glad you are alive. I realize this is personal to you. But so is my freedom. For now, it's a mask. Next it will be much, much more injurious...oh, I don't know, like our speech. How and where we can congregate. Our associations. If you can grab a beer with some old friends on the night before Thanksgiving. You cannot deny that literally every radical policy end the Left wants to achieve, they link directly to a public health emergency. Much more dire ones than this, by the way. If you give them any modicum of power they will use it to completely control you. And are.
well, this is exactly the point. Despite the hysteria, there are much, much more harmful and actually preventable health crisis that we face. Namely, obesity, tobacco-caused illness, and population growth. Not to mention "gun violence." Every single one of those things could be almost immediately and significantly be reduced if not almost eliminated by draconian laws and the enforcement thereof.