It does not lower O2 levels at all. I wore an oxygen sensor while I was sick and messed around with watching it while wearing a mask and without a mask. It had absolutely no impact on my readings. There is science behind wearing a mask. I was not a fan before and I now have a lot of respect for what this illness can do to a healthy individual. At 53, I do not even take an aspirin. My health is fantastic, and Covid was really rough on me. Masks and washing hands do in fact slow the spread. Wear a mask.
Lets put it this way, if someone is infectious and running into the grocery store to pick something up and they sneeze while in your isle, do you like your chances better if they are wearing a mask? Anyone that says the mask makes no difference is either in denial, or uneducated on the topic. Honestly, that is the long and short of the whole deal. I hate the masks, but I would prefer my 83 year old mother was not exposed to some mouth breather without a mask. Running around without a mask is not a badge of honor just as wearing a mask is not a sign of submissiveness.
I have gotten used to it now...It has become second nature.. does it help? I don't know. But I do wear it where it is required.
how is it physically possible for one to re-breath their own exhalation and have the same amount of O2 on their inhalation as they would breathing free air? I am not saying there isn't some re-introduction of fresh air (otherwise we would all suffocate) but no way is it possible that there is the same amount of O2 getting into your lungs. The cumulative effect on that for hours on end would be a net negative in O2 levels. The only way I see for that to be your observed effect must be your mask isn't protecting you from anything but large particulates. EDIT- you are also a healthy full grown adult and not a child/elderly with under-developed or sub-par respiratory system
Sanford Health CEO Kelby Krabbenhoft said that he has had covid so he no longer needs to wear a symbolic mask.
There's that too. Saw yesterday Qantas Airlines is going to require you to prove vaccination prior to booking flights. Did not see a carve-out for people who were already infected a recovered. How's that going to work for people who already had it? Nobody who already had it is going to get vaccinated. Guess they don't get to go to Australia.
Our governor has sent restaurants back to 25% capacity from 50% while keeping gyms fully open. It has been pretty well documented the gyms are one of the few public places where there is a low risk of catching COVID if everyone is wearing masks and disinfecting. People sweat all over the place which makes germaphobes paranoid. The gym I manage is cleaner than it has ever been in the 8 years I have worked here. It helps that we are a Med School, everyone knows on a daily basis how many patients in the hospital have COVID. Nobody wants us to be forced to close so employees and students are taking cleanliness seriously.
My own O2 level would have lowered based on your analogy, regardless of my ability to breathe. I will take the word of Dr's and Pulmonologists that tell me that wearing a mask will in no way lower O2 levels and also will not increase my CO2 levels. I am certain that they know a lot more about this than you and I. Hate on masks all you want, they do not cause lower O2. Unless, you are using a freezer bag over your head, you should be good.
Whatever dude! You do you and I’ll do me. You just walk along with the rest of the sheep Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am lucky to still be walking at all. Many others have not been so fortunate. Not wearing a mask can in fact expose others to a virus that you may not even know you have. That virus can and is killing people. So, you not wearing a mask in public places puts others lives in danger. There is absolutely no logical and/or sane argument otherwise. I would rather be called a sheep than be proven to be an idiot.
Gosh, almost like cancer. You might actually have to be tested to even know you have it. Weird. Imagine a brain so small, that it can't comprehend the impact of a virus and presumes that precautionary measures are inconsequential. And, gives no care about the potential to spread that virus at will, or the people that can die from it. Just imagine.
When you go to the doctor for the flu what do they tell you???? That is viral and will have to run it’s course. People have been dying from the flu for YEARS, face it. If it wasn’t for the MSM and the dumb test we wouldn’t even know that Covid 19 existed. It’s ok to have riots, protest and huge gatherings celebrating the media claiming Biden won the presidential race but then they tell you to limit the size of your holiday gatherings, don’t go to church, and be home by a certain time...... like seriously you actually believe this nonsense!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
if They can force you to wear prophylactics in your private business and even home to "protect" you from a disease which has infected less than 4% of the population and only kills 5% of those it infects; They can force you to take birth control to prevent over population which contributes heavily to human-caused climate change; which as we all know they claim is "The" Existential Threat to the planet. Every single legal and socially constructed argument They make to support C-19 restrictions is applicable to that Next Step. They are intellectually parallel and in their mindset the goal is even more imperative. This is just the first step to make us Obey. If you accept this much control over such little risk, you will accept anything. Everything. Choice is paramount here. They can issue all the guidelines and recommendations they want. It's when they begin enforcing them as law that a line has been crossed.
The Universtiy of Michigan Medical School's Center for the History of Medicine determined that closing American schools blunted the impact of the Spanish Flu in 1918. This is not a new concept. It certainly is not made up and we know so much more than a hundred years ago in the realm of medicine. Covid is certainly not your average flu.....I have had both. People have never died so randomly and in such large numbers from the regular flu types like this. The test does not invent an illness. I still can't tell if your issue is denial, or education. But, either way, your fallacious argument has the same absurd result. I know people that have died from it. I know people that are lucky to have survived it. This is not something to debate belief in. It is as real as your lack of consideration for others.
12,028,081 cases as of November 22 in the United States. 1,181,710 of those were just in the last 7 days! Please, tell us again how silly all of this is. Also, keep in mind that these numbers do not reflect the knuckleheads that refuse to be a "statistic" and be tested because they don't believe in the illness. I certainly wont accept anything and everything, but I am smart enough to see the devastation this illness is causing and follow some very simple steps to help lessen the spread. If you want to know how serious this is, just ask a nurse how their life has been the last few months and if you should wear a mask and social distance. Please, argue with that nurse and tell them how silly all of this is.
I'm all for leaving them open. All gyms are not the same. There was one other person in my gym this morning. Its still the only place I don't wear a mask, but would if I had to. With regard to masks they aren't going to change your O2 sat. Lots of variables there to get into partial pressure of 02, perfusion, diffusion. etc etc N-95's are filters. Bacteria and viruses travel on dust and other particles in the air larger than themselves. Under normal conditions patients do not wear a mask in the operating room only the OR staff does. The masks protect the patient from the OR staff. Its a physical barrier for larger particles, in higher risk procedures the OR staff may wear hoods that offer even more protection for the patient. Most masks that I see people wearing are providing protecting for other people and not the wearer. An N-95 protects both.
I completely agree. I am not medical personnel, but, working in a hospital, it is already becoming incredibly hard for medical staff and it is only going to get worse as time goes by. I will freely admit, I was skeptical in the beginning. Yes, for most of us the virus will not be that big of a deal. But, for those who become truly sick and/or die, this will be devastating in the end. I fear that we are going to look back on this in a few years and realize that the government overreacted in the beginning. As a result, people are not willing to put up with further restrictions on their lives right as it is about to become really bad. I am hope the history one day prove me wrong, but, I think their will be a lot more deaths in the next few months that will be directly attributed to people being unwilling to see the seriousness of it because of the political climate in America over the last 10-15 years, the ever-growing distrust for government, and the overreaction back in the spring.