Sorry to hear that, one thing not many people talk about is general health of the population. People are living longer and longer even with poor health or conditions because of modern medicine. How many obese people do we regularly see over the age of 80? Not many because their lifestyle chose their life expectancy. My opinion the thing that has changed now is the general population has very little outlet; they scroll social media, they watch the news, they hear a story of a friend of a friend... people aren't doing anything, many aren't watching sports as an outlet, many aren't going on vacation as an outlet. If I told you a year ago that healthy people under 65 die every day and showed the statistics to prove that, most would shrug their shoulders and say I'll take my chances. Today if I show you covid statistics under 65 many people will cite stories from facebook or the news of a 20 something that died with covid and fearmonger till the cows come home. I understand this is a communicable disease that throws a wrench into some things, but lets patch up the younger population and get back to winning the war we are in.
you are 100% correct, if 1 year ago he passed of a heart attack or stroke it would have been sad but we all would have reasonably been able to say his health led to the event. Now his friends and family are screaming this isn't the flu, put your damn mask on, stay home!
In my opinion you are dead wrong about the mask. In no way does it weaken your immunity system. Your body will continue to do as it is supposed to do. I was terribly sick with Covid and honestly, had the person that was carrying the virus worn a mask and I was wearing a mask, there would have been little chance that I would have become infected. I have a couple of good friends that are doctors and I sit on the board of a critical access hospital where we have discussed the effectiveness of masks. There is far more evidence that masks work than not. It saves lives of workers in the hospital. It could also save yours. Some people think that not wearing a mask is a sign of resistance or being a revolutionist. I think its a sign of not knowing better. Or worse yet, a sign of not caring who dies. Take if from someone in good shape that struggled to get through the illness and still struggles with it almost a month later. Wear a damn mask, or stay home.
It’s a viral infection...... it needs to run its course. Everyone wearing a mask everywhere is just doing exactly what they want it to, prolonging it and spreading fear so the agenda can be accomplished. Like seriously.... the odds of you surviving are higher than the odds the vaccine works. If you want to wear a mask everywhere that’s fine but don’t expect me to. Everyone needs to quit living in fear and start truly LIVING again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fletch I value your opinion on the as it is straight from the horses mouth, I am indifferent on the masks. It keeps our businesses open then lets do it. (I have warn one since June where I should) Fuchi and Osterholm should have been put on a national pedestal and drove "we changed our minds" I think that would have helped.
It couldn't be put more realistically. A mask is so simple and basic. I'm convinced many folks just don't like being told what they should/need to do, and it's costing lives.
I had two friends that almost got Covid…… One of them quickly sat down at his table at the restaurant, and the other one was 5 foot 11 from someone and quickly jump back to 6 foot........ Use some common sense folks this is an about your health it’s about control If you honestly can’t see that you have your head completely in the sand “covid” will never go away as long as people still getting tested. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Minnesota department of health models shows that even with the best therapeutics and prevention strategy that they predict 60-70% of all Minnesotans will become infected within 1 year.
I plan on staying away from folks and not getting it. I am excellent at frogger these days My kid played the entire season in a Mask, so did volleyball players. I was impressed with MHSAA, no spread via games for Michigan. I am happy to say are team did a good job of wearing them correctly, other teams not so much.
you can't prove a negative. as much as I respect @fletch920 on this forum, there is literally no way to tell. His homeboy could have touched something, then Fletch touched it and adjusted his mask and then he's got it. Would the likelihood of transmission been decreased if both were wearing a mask? Probably; but even that's debatable. The CDC and Fauci have flip-flopped like fish on this topic. Total conjecture here, but I would be very surprised if in the coming years we don't see that mask wearing (especially by children and the old) has a very deleterious effect on people's overall respiratory health. Re-breathing moist dirty air with low O2 levels for hours on end is not good for anyone. Call it psychosomatic if you want, but I know on the rare occasions I have to wear a real mask (ie a 95 series; not some BS Buff) indoors for hours I end up phlegmy and coughing in the evening.
My ICU is full of sick Covid patients. We are using other units as makeshift “clean” ICU. I don’t want to catch a cold and I sure don’t want to take my chances with Covid. I have taken care of some patients that I thought would do poorly (89 yo multiple medical problems) do great and others who you would think would have an easy time suffer. Weird stuff, would avoid.
Brought in some goats last late fall to work. They ate off all of the bark that they could reach on the buckthorn and for the most part, it has all died by now.
Doc what are your thoughts on Gyms remaining open? Reading where indoor dining is 4X more likely to contract covid than at a Gym.