Wife and I are both symptom free. She is actually feeling better than she did earlier in the week, did not have the classic symptoms. We will know on thanksgiving that we are a covid free home.
My wife is the business office manager/everything at an assisted living facility. They made it through the first round of covid with zero cases. As of today, they are at 3 cases, full symptoms. I'm in quarantine, she is staying at work for the time being in one of the empty rooms.
Eff Pritzker once again. Fat tub of lard he is. Phone just went ape chit with an emergency alert. Efftards!! Emergency alerts while roaming is now turned off
So you’re in charge of your state how do you handle covid? Issues faced are: Hospital capacity Economy Lives Education Mitigation Unemployment Mental health Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How easy was it for you to set up a test? Walgreens has no available openings for the next 3 days, can't go beyond that. Sat on hold with Memorial for a half hour before hanging up, now trying to go through my Dr. but have to use telenurse as his office is closed on Saturday's.
I drove to a town further away that had available appointments , not as fast results. Wife is going to wait in line to do a spit test.
Let her rip. I would suspend the collection of state income tax Encourage state legislature to pass increase on internet sales tax Issue ExO that all schools must allow at least 50% in-person learning or no property tax income revenue will be allocated Initiate program where TAs/teaching students/vetted parents could be voluntary (paid or for college credit) in-person proctors while opt-out teachers teach via VTC No state-ordered mask mandates anywhere. Private entities can do what they want No Covid-related mandates on food/beverage vendor capacity caps Issue ExO giving indemnifying immunity on civil liabilities (i.e. a business can't be sued for a clients -or- employee's exposure to C-19) Hospital capacity issues are what they are. That's where Fed Government can, will, and has stepped in.