Losing taste and smell has been the symptom that tells all here. We've had about 7 employee's in the last month test positive. All 7 lost taste and smell. Two had a low fever first, then lost taste and smell the 2nd day. The other 5 lost taste and smell as their first symptom, 4 of them that was the only symptom they ever experienced.
Day 2 without taste or smell and nobody in the county will test my coworker. Management told her to come back to work 3 days after symptoms end. WTF!?
I get to wear a mask fulltime at work starting tomorrow thanks to JB Prickster. We're going to be given the option though, wear a mask or face shield. Have a bottle of Rain-X so taking that with me for anti-fog. Neither one is going to protect me, not going to protect others I am working with either. I'm going to get it if I get it because someone released it into the atmosphere we share. Not because I didn't have a mask or shield in place, but because I breathed in such particulate that is too small for such masks or shields to filter. I have went 9 months now doing it my way and have not contracted said virus, nor have I spread it through the governments expanse expertise in contact tracing. Now I am being forced to do it another way or lose a paycheck. But let's blame Trump....
Who does your testing? Here a few places will test if you have one of several symptoms, but if you have two they tell you to go see your doctor. Most require an appointment regardless. Makes no sense when testing is supposed to be the number one way to mitigate, that's all we have heard for the past 8 months right? Trump did not control testing, and he definitely does not now that there is enough testing out there to give your elites daily 1 hour test result testing. The more you make in a year, dictates how you will be tested. Make millions, screw staying at home, come get tested and in an hour we'll tell you if you can mingle with others who make millions. In government? Come get tested and within hours we'll let you know if you can congregate with your other members to set laws and recommendations for your constituents to follow and adhere to to keep you safe. Able bodied worker trying to make ends meet and keep your children fed? Please stay at home during the uncertain times, file for unemployment and wait for the seriously inundated system to get to you while trying to keep your bills up to date. PS, Do not blame your local officials, blame the President of the United States until January 20th of 2021.
Hospitals, urgent care, CVS, etc. My wife (PT at a nursing home) has been tested 17 times by her facility and the state.
I might be joining the party shortly. Found out this morning that the guy I was training all day yesterday's mom tested positive who he lives with and is his sole transportation to and from work even after being tested. He's out pending a test result. He was coughing all day yesterday and never mentioned it about his mom getting tested.
A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" would take the network's primetime star Tucker Carlson seriously.
Honestly I’d rather just catch it and isolate for 2 weeks. Seems better than going through another lockdown that will be extended ad infinitum. Maybe Olga can find me a dating site with covid+ chicks. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Main topic- blatant, in your face hypocrite Democrat Lockdown Forever governors and the subjects they have turned you into. Newsome had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb...