NEJM controlled study on Marines in monitored setting- enforced rules on masks, social distancing, no personal hand held electronics, nightly sanitization, etc. The virus swept through the subjects like wildfire*. The uncontrolled subjects had a lower infection rate. Bars and restaurants isn't the problem. Living with other people is. * no hospitalizations. They're 18-20 yo men. No real risk.
A woman who shares a small office with my wife at the beginning and end of the school day has tested positive. Guess I better go buy a 2 week supply of beer.
Saw a story that using mouth wash is effective in killing the virus, so in addition to wearing a mask, washing my hands I now need to gargle for 30 seconds. I draw the line there, I am not going to be butt chugging anything to kill the virus.
Take Vitamin D3 and stay well! I surely hope you guys do not get it. If you do, I hope you have very mild symptoms.
I have O negative blood supposed to be a difference maker. I am sure my wife has an essential oil for that.
https://www.michigansportsnetwork.c...h2sNGiZi2iJl6gfJ9_cOJ_96x3Zvqrwbdbg7S8jtEFKek take a listen and learn how kids get screwed in Michigan
"Mark discussed how he and his team plan to handle this, in hopes of saving the remaining Fall High School Championships." I think the only sure way to save the Fall High School Championships is to save your state- support every effort to recall/impeach the Witch. Do it for the kids.
One of my 2 survey partners at work has the probable rona. No taste or smell, but the county won't test her. We take separate cars, distance, and work outside 99% of the time. We'll see how this plays out...
Governor dipshit about to impose more restrictions today. Expected to close bars to take out only again. A lot of the bars here in "rocks and cows" country are not going to be happy.
Listening to his press conference yesterday was truly a disgrace to the people of Minnesota. If you didn't hear it, they propped up half a dozen "covid survivors" on the radio to tell their story. Their headliner was a former republican state senator that resigned his duties to the state a year ago because of (you cant make this stuff up) HIS POOR HEALTH DIDNT ALLOW HIM TO DO HIS JOB! He's a younger guy with significant pre-existing conditions. MN has gotten to the point of insanity. Walz straight up is blaming the "national effort" and says in every other breath that he is following the numbers and science for the big announcement today. I wonder if he will list off how many suicides in school age kids have taken place in school age kids this year?