They like the hope of the end of the pandemic more... The trough of disillusionment should follow... They may also like Biden too especially when they move (more) operations back offshore and pay less in taxes.
Moderna and Atrazenaca also had positive announcements a couple weeks ago. Pfizer has scale and better press release writers.
Apparently Pfizer is a partnership with Germany and China. And about 2B in US funding for 100m doses...
Well it’s the messag they got, virus does not affect them so live hard, baby!! Same here wife’s school is shutting down tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you told them that covid makes them allergic to Starbucks coffee, Monster energy drinks and overpriced food fads they'd lock themselves down in a heartbeat..
My sister is over 50 and she is as bad as any young person. Helped cut a big tree this weekend and she wanted me to stay and have drinks with her and her boy friend. No thanks.
I have 2 coworkers that have it. Good think that it is mostly email contact. One is about ready to come back to work. The other is on antirejection drugs. He never should have come back to work earlier this fall. My wife is freaking out because his wife is one of her best friends and a coworker of hers. Thankfully, they are both working from home.
My SIL is 28 and has a real winner of a boyfriend. I cut up all the tree limbs that had fallen due to the ice storm and after I finished cutting them up under his supervision... he all the sudden got a phone call and had to leave when it came time to drag all the debris to the curb. He doesn't even have a job, the wife and I have been paying their bills. I told him not to worry, it would be waiting for him when he returned and I left. That was four days ago, not one limb has been drug out yet. We own the house they're staying in and he seems to think it is my responsibility after not paying squat for months now. Useless as tits on a bull.
That is an absolute no win situation until your wife decides otherwise. LOL. "Under his supervision" LOL At least my sister offered to help cut it up. Never used a chain saw before. Ah, no thanks to that too. Just rake up the crap and deal with that.
I'd rather be a nice person and have done all I could before leaving this world. Pretty simple philosophy I developed over the years. I've had people take advantage of my kind nature and thats on them, I did what I can do the rest is on you.
Hello, boys. I have missed you since I hunt and all. CDC data indicates something like over 66% of C-19 cases were transmitted from someone inside the home.
meh, I bailed on MI last Friday. Didn't see a single legal deer in 7 days of hunting. Heading up to WI tomorrow AM though, just in time for highs near 40 and lows in mid 20s.