We wife recently took our 6 year old in for his yearly check up with his Pediatrician. Of course my son immediately told him "dad had covid". That got the Dr. talking about it a bit, one interesting thing he said was he read that no person, ever, has had Covid symptoms if they have O- blood. They can test positive for it and spread it, but never symptoms. When I had it my wife and son never did have any symptoms. They were assumed to have had it being in the same household as me of course. My wife has O- blood. Kind of curious if true.
I don't think you ever get those answer because they wouldn't lend to the hysteria surround this. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
And that's my issue. I am sitting here wondering to I cost my son 25% of his HS basketball or let him play. It's not him I am worried about it's my wife and her 70 year lungs because her father smoked her entire life. I just need some TRUTH in the data so I can make a rational choice.
And I've wanted truth in politics for years so I can make a rationale choice....I don't think either of us are getting what we wish for. LOL
There are school districts fudging online attendance records. Kids without wifi and the district provided you with a hot spot big brother knows, that should be scary but when the evidence is suppressed that is even more scary.
I know of a least two exposures that I had back in June while wearing a mask, the kids (not mine), were also masked at the time I was around them. I was not required to get testing since I never had symptoms. Either the masks worked, or, my body fought it off without any noticeable indication of getting sick.
I have O+ blood and have had two confirmed exposures and never had symptoms. I wonder if the same is true for O+.
Just got a call from a coworker, who I also went to high school with. He left work early Thursday not feeling well, went and got tested, got Positive results back today. So I've officially been exposed
Contrary to popular belief, I’d be willing to bet that 50% of the population has had significant “exposure” personally is put that number better than 70%. Just got an email from work a guy tested positive, asymptotic, I stood and had a conversation with him the other day at the local pizza joint while picking up pizzas. We were both wearing masks.
I'm certain I have been exposed in some fashion many times already. This is the first time I have been made aware someone I have had several conversations with daily has been confirmed positive. I don't wear a mask at work, but I do practice the 6 foot distancing when allowable. see what happens over the next few days I guess. Go on my rutcation starting Wed.
We are 3 months into the mask mandate here in Minnesota, case numbers are as high as they were when the virus first hit. MASKS DO NOT STOP THE SPREAD OF COVID.
Do you have the data of where it's spreading and if the mask were worn? We all know the mask is not being worn by 40% of folks and we know we did not get all the cases back in March/April because testing is better today than then. Where is your data? Just stating we have more cases tells us diddle, what would it be without a mask? Would it be worst? Do you know? I sure don't.
You ask me for data and then say we all know that masks are not being worn by 40% of people, that is made up **** germ. You look foolish acting like what you say is fact.