Yeah, that is my thought as well. I work in a med school and we have patients with COVID in the hospital. I think if I was going to catch it know it, I would have by now.
Just my immediate family kids, spouses, Grandson they will come up and stay over going to be a big time.
I bet if you antibody test you will have had it and never knew it. My old man is antibody positive and never had a lick of symptoms. Mom had a very very mild case. He's on HCQ for RA so who knows if that played into it.
My decision was made by my sisters in-law family. Her sister-in-law came up from Chicago for a get together, everyone at the dinner got COVID. Thankfully not serious, but 10+ people got it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have had 7 positive exposures to date, all while I used PPe. I along with anyone I work with that have had confimed exposures but never a postive test result or any known symptoms, have as of now not tested Postive to any blood drawn antibodies test. That's been typical of our hospital based results. The bullshit that everybody comes back postive for antibodies is just that bullshit
I have not been out of bed since Sunday night. Today does seem better, so I think I am rounding the corner. My wife is fine and staying at her office for now. She has her own bathroom and a sofa there.
My youngest son, who still lives at home, was apparently exposed (friend tested positive). He has a test later today...
Non-sceniecerific poll If you were exposed how many did not get it or got it and were mask being worn? Outside or inside Never been exposed myself yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Random tidbits: 3q Gdp slightly better than expected, and positive, so we are technically out of the recession. New jobless claims slightly lower than expected. Talking heads 'once we have a vaccine...' (even with the caveat of widespread distribution) '...everything will be peachy'. I will make the early call here and say BS...we have flu vaccines but not a 100% annual deterrent different stains/cocktail, efficacy, and % of population vaccinated all play into the mix. IMHO 2021 will be 2020 redux.
Brother and sister in law that had it last week, I'd call them 99%'ers for mask compliance. Their two young kids have exhibited no symptoms to this point.
100% agree with your statement. Under the age of 20, is there really a need to take the vaccine? I will listen to both sides of this argument. If my child's doctor strongly suggests they take it I will comply based on the doctors recommendation. There is a percentage of people that will NEVER take the vaccine, I wouldn't even consider this group anti-vaxer's at this point, as they question long term negatives like fertility. Many in that group in the 20-50 age range. Age 50-70, I can see a majority taking it. 70+ I'd guess 80-90%, but at this age the % of the population starts to decrease rapidly. In Minnesota there are 90,000 fewer people in the 70-74 age range (190,000) than there are in the 65-69 age range (280,000). People need to start talking about general health, people that who are unhealthy don't usually live past 65-70, that is a fact. In the same token with the medicine of today people are extending their lives longer than ever... The only two things that are certain in life are Death and Taxes, get busy living or get busy dying. Your choice!
NO vaccine is 100%. The closest is measles at 98% and that took a very long time to produce and even longer to get to the point of the so called "herd immunity" which ironically was about 98% of the population. Fauci has already stated that this first round of vaccine is unlikely to prevent a person from getting covid. Will just reduce the severity of the symptoms. That was the trade off for as rapidly developed vaccine. So, I agree, 2021 = **** show
So we know they got it while wearing a mask? Were others around them at the time wearing one? T See the issue I have is we still don't have enough data to see how this spreads and why. I want to see indoor vs outdoor, did the indoor space have good ventilation, did those who infected people have a mask, where those who were infected wearing a mask. Did they get within the magical 6ft space? We could never get this breakdown, but it would be interesting to see. I also want to see if we had x number of cases in a day 1. How Many were Asystmeatic(Age) 2.How Many had mild symptoms(Age) 3.How Many had moderate and not hospitalized(Age) 4.How Many Hospitalized(Age) 5.How Many Went on ventilators(Age) 6.How Many died(Age) A.Of those how many had other health issues Been watching this guy, he does not get political and gives some good info
I can tell you with 100% certainty my mom (60) was exposed for several days, she was in their house (staying overnight) no distancing or mask wearing in the house watching the kids, while both my brother and sister in-law exhibited symptoms. Mom is laid up in the basement for another week, she has not had any symptoms as of yet. Her first exposure would have been Monday of last week.