Have 2 neighbors on board out of 4 to pitch in for a gate with cell phone access on the private road, the 2 not on board have not been asked yet. Isolation is the next luxury.
Damn, best of luck to you, hopefully if symptoms last a few days you can check in and let us know while all is not well, all is well. Did they do a secondary test or ask you to get a confirmation test? Sorry for all the questions, not trying to pry or anything.
No worries! I also have lots of questions and concerns. No confirmation test. But, i do have all the symptoms. I will test again as soon as i feel better.
When we shut down then plant and every temp agency that employs ppl there said "sorry bout the check being short." Basically anyway. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
That's the way I see it. When I had surgery back in August had to have a Covid test then self quarantine until day of surgery 3 days later. Work paid me 30 hours for the 3 days missed(10 hour days), used the reasoning because I was ordered by helath professionals after the test to quarantine to minimize exposure it was ordered to do so. Being shut down is not Covid pay, you have to have Covid or ordered by medical professionals to isolate for that pay. Everything else falls under precautionary or discretionary closing, and if you took a PPE loan, voluntary layoffs are not allowed
Yea and luckily we were only shut down two days. Idk what woulda happened otherwise, but like you said unemployment isn't worth the hassle it takes right now in this state to get. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Fletch, I sure hope you recover quick. Do you have any idea where you may have been infected? How is your wife doing?
Yikes Fletch, that sounds worse than how mine went. Mine started with a fever, by mid day I started feeling pretty poor. Day 2 I lost all taste and smell, which prompted me to get tested. Body aches bad enough that it felt like I had injured my back. By day 4 fever ran 101 all day. Ran one for 7 days straight, but other than day 4 it was more like a 100, so didn't have that shivering and freezing to death type fever. Did wake up in a cold sweat, absolutely soaked, for about 8 days straight. But it never really went into my lungs, never had much of a cough and zero shortness of breath. Never had a sore throat either. Drink all the water you can, that will help with the headache. Tylenol worked pretty well for me, it really helped with the body aches.
Hope you get better quick. Loss of sense of smell won't do me much good as an indicator. I have narrow nasal passages, my sense of smell is naturally about 70% of most people's compared according to my doctor.
My neighbor's three-year-old daughter has had an unexplained fever since Friday afternoon. Negative flu and strep tests, as well anything else that would normally give a kid a fever. They are going to get her tested for COVID today if the fever did not break last night. I haven't heard yet. But, the girl and her mother were in our house hanging out with my wife and son Friday morning before the fever hit, and, the neighbors vacationed in Florida a couple of weeks ago right as they were starting to rise in cases again. No one else in the family has had symptoms yet, unless it hit since I talked with them last night.
Last week Gov Jelly Belly shut down several counties in the state, including DuPage and Will which are the 2 most populous surrounding Cook County. Yesterday he shut down suburban Cook and is threatening to shut down Lake County as well. I suspect it was to suppress voting and exert control (these areas lean R) ; but it appears to be backfiring pretty badly. Many, many restaurants and even some town mayors (including my own) have said flat out they will not be enforcing the illegal orders. Governor is threatening to send in State Police to enforce the orders. It's kind of hard to explain but in IL the State Police is also kind of intertwined with the IL National Guard. They share command structure and personnel. So in effect (not overtly) the Governor is threatening to declare martial law to enforce illegal executive orders.
You are most likely in the clear. My wife does contact tracing in our county to help out the health department. Of course she can't tell me who is sick and such but the vast majority of the traces show people get sick 48-72 hours after being exposed to someone with Covid.