conspiracy theorists are saying this 'spread' isnt accidental ....
So if no one dies from it, did any of them have it to begin with? Amazing the control this virus has during an election year. It is a multi faceted tool for both sides to use. 2020 will forever live in infamy as the year that cursed the world, but it may forever change the electoral processes that built a nation that leads the world. At some point 2020 will become the benchmark another year is compared to. I sure as hell hope that my ashes have long since been scattered amongst the woods when that year arrives....
So I'll retort your question with a question. Rather than ask what Democrats have escaped infection, I'll ask what Democrats have escaped investigation and dropped from national headlines after CV-19 was introduced to the world by China? What party has benefited most from China releasing the virus? Those are two dead serious questions, and I have stated it from the get go that I believe, and always will, this virus was a malicious release by China with or without the help of some very powerful Democrat forces. I'll even take it a step further on the political front. Give me a Republican list of billionaires, media and Hollywood celebrities who control the Republican party and media. As big as you can think of, I'll wait. Once given I'll counter it with an opposing version listing Democrats.
on a lighter note, has anyone else seen the Season 24 (HOLY CRAP!) Opening Episode of South Park??? Parker and Stone are SAVAGES.
Yea that was great. I'm surprised it hasn't caused much grief really. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
probably because everyone who watched it both found something to laugh and hate in it at the same time. That's one of the reasons I still watch South Park- they spare no one and no one point of view- including my own from time to time.
Do we work at same place and not know it haha. Just got a text from supervisor, somone on days shift tested positive so plant is shut down till Monday for cleaning. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Nope, we're not shut down. Continue as normal. Message basically said someone was confirmed positive today, and through contact tracing it was determined that anyone who came into contact with them did so for less than 15 minutes. I have no clue what that means, is it like the 3 second rule when food hits the floor? This all occurred late this afternoon so I am unsure if anyone was sent home that worked with the person. Pretty sure I have narrowed it down by process of elimination of who wasn't there and who went home sick on Monday or Tuesday, but due to HIPPA they can't divulge who. Worked in one of the smaller depts. in the plant but that doesn't mean much so many people come in contact with each other I'm sure plenty were exposed that could result in a shut down, I may go get tested this weekend just for chits and giggles, not so much for myself but to make sure if I do contract it I don't give it to someone else. Think it's the responsible thing to do on my part. A person that I know came into contact with the infected was working next to me the previous 2 days. I'm not worried about myself, if I disappear, you guys will at least have something to go on
Yea haven't got any word if we're supposed to go get tested. Like you said don't know who it was. Could have been someone that works in the offices too since it was days. Didn't really pass on anything except no work till Monday ha Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
It is supposed to be 86* here tomorrow. I am heading to the golf course. Too hot to hunt. Still at work now, so I wont feel a bit guilty about leaving at noon tomorrow.
My girlfriends brothers girlfriend (that sounded weird typing) tested positive this morning. I’ve been in direct contact with her for over the last week while we were on a trip this last week. I did feel slightly sick earlier this week but it was just a scratchy throat and slight cough. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk