I have watched the video numerous time and it keeps getting funnier. If at any point you say to a cop do not put you hands on me, you are getting the taser or a beat down. Why is there always a fat Karen that sticks her nose in and runs her mouth? She deserved a taser shot too. Then the white guy with his kid, this starts going down and he knows a crazy woman when he sees one and vacates with his child like a husband headed for the garage when his wife is melting down. The guy that is just sitting there watching the game and he is thinking it is 3rd and 3 and we need this play. Finally the cheers keep coming from the cheerleaders thru the whole ordeal. Hey crazy lady you were the ONLY person without a mask you knew going in the rules said you must wear a mask to enter and you gambled and lost.
allegedly, she has asthma and the ExO does not apply to those with certain health conditions; of which asthma is one. Also, they are outside and socially distancing. The officer had no right to confront much less arrest her. However, I would be a hypocrite if I didn't offer her the same advice I do to all the BLM catalysts- obey and live to sue another day.
can we just put this bullshit virus to bed already? https://t.co/9RRLgsBHta?amp=1 Unless you are over 70 years old, you have a better chance of being murdered than dying from coronavirus. There, I said it.
In Ohio according to the order fans at games are required to wear mask, Social distances or not. Same rule in Michigan for hs sports. There I sit 20ft away from others in a mask to watch my kid play soccer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
thanks for the correction. Didn't know about the outdoor sports venue thing. Ridiculous. Watch your 6. As a sub-heptagenarian, you literally are more likely to be murdered than die from the virus. Carry on.
I am really starting to believe that this whole virus thing is a bunch of bullshit, we have all been duped and manipulated.
This remote schooling seems to be taking a toll on grandson and he's only in first grade. They aren't giving a days program and giving on line lessons to match but constant all day periotic video conference calls which seems to be effecting him. Down To 8 kids in his class. People are pulling their kids and home schooling big time.
Having a little BLM sign you can stick in the ground next to your lawn chair at a soccer game gives you extra protection. Safety first!
Not really, new things have come out. The man was offered and agreed to an experimental treatment. Now I'm posative his team already knew the potential dangers or lack of, well ahead of time. That doesn't change the fact that BECAUSE he has taken the treatment and it has thus far worked, it will be available to regular people much sooner. So give credit where it's due.
That doesn't apply if it is private property ie stores, restaurants. Now legally, I don't know how, but schools have treated school grounds as private property around here for years and gotten away with it.