I've continued to live my life how I've always lived it since the lockdown lifted. I've been in contact with a few people who have had it, but it's been outdoors scenarios each time. I've got a wedding in Idaho next weekend. Should be interesting getting on a plane. I've always appreciated the motto: Live each day like it's your last.
We are also 5 weeks into full in person class sessions. Recently a teacher tested positive, early last week. Had symptoms and so got tested. She obviously was quarantined, along with everyone she had close contact with. No one else has tested positive so far or even had symptoms. This is with the kids being required to wear masks when coming to school, grouped up to go to lunch or recess, and when leaving school to go home. No masks required while in class. Only kids and staff allowed on school grounds, parents drop them off or pick them up but don't enter. I believe masks are worn on buses too (we live close so our kid doesn't ride one). This is the "green" plan. There is a yellow plan that would be like what Justin said all the parents voted for, 1/2 the kids one day with the other half doing online learning, then switch the next day. Red plan is all online learning.
The US govt last week updated the survival rates (i.e., IF infected) for Covid19: 0-19 99.997% 20-49 99.98% 50-69 99.5% 70+ 94.6% Source CDC
an article a few days back about college students show out of over 30K that had/have the Chinese virus, NONE were hospitalized, and they had a better chance of dying from a dog bite .....
I haven't seen this particular article, but this goes along with what I've been saying for months. Total number of positive cases tell us absolutely nothing of significance that would affect our decision-making process. We need to know the number of hospitalizations and deaths broken down by age group, and as much info on pre-existing conditions as possible. Without the full picture it's impossible to make an informed decision on what we should or should not be doing.
That is where I am at now, especially at MSU for my daughter. 354 cases last 2 weeks Of those 354 no where can I find the below How many were hospitalized How many died is 0 as of today. My views on this have not taken a 180, just a hard left(make that a right) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
we are teaching online. some teachers are going in but are still teaching on line. we are seeing new cases among the teachers almost daily. I teach in a huge system. 70k students, 7k teachers. 11 high schools at 2500 kids each. my ex wife was exposed on sunday...she came here to the house all day monday to help with the kids' online work while I taught my own classes. she didn't know she was exposed until Monday afternoon...at times we were all closer than 6 ft when looking over the kids' shoulders at their screens. she was text Monday with negative results, but that was way too soon to be accurate. she going again in about an hour for another test. I still say it maybe too soon. No symptoms for any of us yet.. but it's only a few days. so say a prayer for us guys
Rest assured if there were any significant amount of hospitalizations or deaths, you'd hear all about it. Since the powers that be are mum on the situation, it means the data doesn't support their agenda of scaring everyone to control them. It's a damn shame that the views based on having common sense and making responsible decisions for yourself and your family have become so politicized.
My mom tested positive for it at the same time I did, I'd exposed her without knowing I'd been exposed or had it. She's 72 and she didn't have as many symptoms as I did. Of the 8 people I know who have had it, I'm the only one that lost my sense of smell or taste and it's still 95% gone. I could smell some smoke the other day...while standing in a cloud of smoke with 0% visibility, lol.
I may have missed it as I gave up on tracking stats with this Wuhan Flu awhile ago, but I have seen a few of your posts since your exposure/infection. How long ar you on quarantine/isolation? Have they told you it is mandatory to do so, many follow ups from them since initial confirmation. Are they requiring you to be tested again in a designated amount of time? Glad you are relatively unscathed from it, aside from a few minor symptoms and your loss of taste and returning smell. More glad to know your mother is doing better than you are, that had to be worrisome at first knowledge. Guess I am wondering, do you feel those monitoring and testing are doing more or less than you would expect considering everything that this virus has been and become for the country/world at the political and media levels..
We were contacted by our county health department who were notified of our positive test results. I'm not sure what mom got in the mail but I got a notice of quarantine by court order actually. That period was 10 days from my first symptoms which was last Friday. Moms was 10 days from her taking the test because she didn't have any symptoms. Our Dr. told us he's using 14 days respectively but it was our county health departments that set the "official" dates. (I'm in a different county from mom across the state line). We were not required to be re-tested and we asked specifically about it. They called us each every day to follow up on how we were doing. The health department nurses spoke with us on the phone and asked us about our cases, if we'd exposed anyone else, etc.. Honestly I'm not sure of anything else they could have done to help minimize it getting passed along. I think the worst problem is the crud is so damned contagious and is passing along before any symptoms are felt or showing.
My parents two close friends both tested positive after a week of symptoms. My parents were with them on labor day. They also watch our boys twice a week (my parents). Yay.
My sisters three kids 8, 6, and 2 were with their aunt from Chicago, who tested positive. They are now quarantined and had to get tested. fun times
I do not agree with the 55 mph speed limit if I get caught speeding I take the citation and comply or face consequences. You do not get to resist without consequences because you do not agree.
Society elects and pressures the lawmakers. Society continues to pressure the lawmakers into telling the cops what they want enforced via the laws and by direct communication every single day. The cops follow orders and the law given to them via society, and then they are hated for doing society's bidding. Baffling.
Correct this is Mike DeWine executive order that fans must wear mask at football games(all HS sporting events)
Cops all over the country are backing off and seizing less hard drugs and guns off the street. Once covid ends its course, the real streets will show themselves. The criminals don't care and never will. They wont stop and will up the ante given no "harassment" by the cops as they go about their daily criminal activities.
I would wonder if someone at the game, a school official or just another fan, offered her a mask and she refused, or, if she had one on a the entrance and took it off inside.