OK. Another thread I was on prompted me to share a little info. Wondering if other do the same. I'm not a big fan of scent control as it related to scent blocker and special suits. I do believe that your scent is very important! I generally grab hand fully of leaves, dirt, grass, etc and give my pants, jacket, boots, and gear a good rub down when in the woods. Do others do this. I know my dad will do it to some extend with pine branches. Have not heard anyone else I hunt with do it. NOTE: I will also step in deer crap at times with my boot on purpose to get a little on the side of my boot. People think I am a bit crazy but, I figure it can not hurt to do any of these. So admit...who gets dirty as well?
I keep my clothes clean rather than try to cover up the odor. If your clothes aren't scentless to begin with they will still stink to the deer even after you rub all that stuff on them. I wash with scentless soap and hang dry.
I see nothing wrong with getting your camo dirty from the ground your hunting on. While bear hunting I'll hang my clothes In Pines and Cedar tree's where our camp Is. It sure Isn't going to hurt and It's cheap. Elk hunting I do the same as well. Both of these animals have outstanding noses and I've had both very close.
My dad and I usually keep our clothes in rubbermaid containers with dirt and leaves in them, and usually when we're walking into the timber will step in cattle manure to cover up scent on our boots. Seems to work fairly well.
Honestly, I used to be a fanatic and do all sorts of nasty things to make myself disapper. Some of them even ruined some nice camo. LOL I now mainly wash it, air it, and hunt the wind. Seems to work.
scent control lotion, deodrant, soup and shampoo, deterigent and .....the list goes on....theres nothing wrong with that...put some stuff on like apples from the ground, depending on whats in the area that the deer are comfortable in.
i'll use the spray and SOME of the scent clothes, but i always crack a bail of hay in the back of my pickup truck each yr and thats where all my gear goes on the way to the hunt. i will also put some leaves and whatever else i can grab in my bins that hold all my clothes. so i kinda get dirty.....
My land has Pines all over. I put needles and branches in a seal tight container with my Camo. Been doing it for years. If I see catnip growing around a area Im hunting I'll rub it all over me. I also have apple trees all over and I use to step on a few and rub my boots around but got sick of the Bee's hanging out. When it comes down to it Id rather smell like anything then a Human! Im also a Big Believer in Scent Killer Spray!
just sucks when you get a stray leaf or twig under your base layer!!!!!!!! itching and scracthing all day!!!!
You can bet im gonna try and use any method i can to be as scent-proff as possible. im going to be using scent killer wash and spray, but ill probably rub some dirt and moss all over my clothes, to help even more
Do you store your clothes in a container when not wearing them? If so they may get moldy after awhile if their covered with wet dirt and moss.