March 29th for Tennessee and we can knock down 4 thunder chickens. Excited to say the least. I just picked up a new slate and a pack of diaphragms today!
Now that Indiana doesn't require you to buy an out of state license with your turkey permit I might go ahead and get a tag for our Indiana property. It's loaded with birds and I think as a beginner turker hunter it would be the best place to have success.
Think the wife is more excited for it to be here than me... living room call sessions are in progress, good thing I've got a comfy couch and a warm blanket. April 12th in VA, then back home for the Ohio opener on the 21st.
I am going to try bowhunting turkeys for the first time this year. My tag is good for 6 days from April 23 until April 29. I've heard the turkeys have been dying off pretty fast with the deep snow. Lots for winter kills. One farmer near Wasuau found 9 dead ones last week.
If your hunting with a gun its much easier to not use a blind. If your hunting with a bow its MUCH easier with a blind. Dang, you're so excited you posted it three times
My Amish buddy called me last evening to talk turkey. Today I'm checking out my equipment and getting ready. Unfortunately our season in NY does not begin 'til May 1st (DANG).
Just bought a south land glass pot call, I can't wait to call with it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll be on the move this year as well. I've been stoked for April 19th to get here since opening day of deer season! I only bow hunt them and I don't use a blind. Works well for me.
I'll be trying to hunt in three different states this year(Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kansas) Hopefully we'll have multiple birds down. I'm itching to break in my new SBEII! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
I am very pumped, I currently have a group of 30 turkeys that is hanging around on my fiances parents land. I hope to redeem myself with my bow this year since last year I hit and wounded one and could find it. I didnt get good penetration at all because I hit the body with a magnus bullhead. This year I am using my NAP spitfires and should get the job done. Last year my fiance was able to get her first bird so I hope her sucess continues this year as well
Idk if you've invested in a choke yet but carlsons x full ported turkey choke tube is death in my SBE II. Coupled with Hevi 13 3.5" shells and turkeys cower in fear...
I was looking at the carlsons chokes the other day for turkey and duck hunting. I have a set in my o/u an they are hard to beat. I'm going to order a few more in a week or so. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
Archery opens March 15th in Nebraska! gonna get out regardless of temps and try and stick a long-beard! Looking for a couple new decoys now, and practicing shooting from different sitting positions.
Where are you at in Wyoming? moved here from Nebraska not too long ago and hopping back across the border for some long beards in a couple weeks.